Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑January 3rd, 2025, 9:34 am
Mo_reese wrote: ↑January 2nd, 2025, 5:19 pmThere is no excuse, no justification for snipers shooting children.
Sy Borg wrote: ↑January 3rd, 2025, 1:46 am
Nor is there any excuse of using children as soldiers or human shields.
Also correct.
Both of these things are part of what is wrong. But what about the other side of the coin? What is it that is right? The seemingly endless cycle of death is wrong; we all agree on that. So where do we go from here? What is the right direction to move in?
Israel is a small, vulnerable state which relies on its allies to help to practically and politically get away with genocide. America specifically. Stop funding them and arming them.. If that doesn't work, apply escalating sanctions. If that doesn't work use blockades, rather than bombing the Yeminis currently doing so. The Israeli population would likely turn against their Far Right government when it started to affect them. A last resort would be to send in UN peace-keepers.
This current humanitarian crisis isn't an impossible situation to resolve, it just lacks political will by America, for its own internal political reasons. Or when it comes to Trump, self-centred whim. And Trump appointing an Evangelical Christian Zionist as his Israeli ambassador looks disastrous. AP News -
''Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be ambassador to Israel, has long rejected a Palestinian state in territory previously seized by Israel and has repeatedly signaled his staunch support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Huckabee, a former TV host and Baptist preacher, frequently visits Israel and once said he wanted to buy a holiday home there. He has maintained throughout the years that the West Bank belongs to Israel, and recently said “the title deed was given by God to Abraham and to his heirs.”''
Eventual peace would be much more difficult, escaping the cycle of violence and grievance after so much suffering, especially now, will require superhuman forebearance, recognition of common humanity and shared interests, great leadership, lots of pressure and restitutive justice.
It's been done elsewhere, there's nothing inherently different about Jews and Muslims which make it impossible. The UN has the power to put such a road to peace in place and apply carrots and sticks.