Lagayscienza wrote: ↑August 1st, 2024, 5:47 am I agree, Sy Borg. Far from revering Gaia, we're treating the earth apallingly. If it decides to spit us out we'll have no one to blame but ourselves. We have known for a very long time that climate change is real and we've understood the physics of it for even longer. And we know that global heating is causing, among much else, the death of coral reefs world-wide. But will we stop pumping GHGs into the atmosphere? It doesn't look like it. Levels of CO2 and methane in the atmosphere be going up faster than ever. And plastics are not going anywhere. Still, some earth scientists think we still have a little window of time to turn things around. I hope they are right. But if they are not, Gaia won't care. Life on earth will continue. It might just be without us and a lot of the species we grew up with.I think we are treating the Earth perfectly, as every organism that every existed has done. Cyanobacteria could be said to have been terrible meanies to Gaia too:
The Great Oxidation Event and Emergence of Aerobic Metabolism. Since life was totally anaerobic 2.7 billion years ago when cyanobacteria evolved, it is believed that oxygen acted as a poison and wiped out much of anaerobic life, creating an extinction event.No one's sure of the percentages, but it seems that cyanobacteria's oxygen farts killed off most life for a while. Like we are doing.
Not to mention those pesky volcanoes, that have likely caused at least three mass extinctions. Wicked things that are hurting Gaia or just rapid change?
There will be no turning around, obviously. That is a pipe dream. Even as China lectures the west on CO2 they are currently building approx 95% of the world's new coal fired power stations. No doubt much of it is needed to build "green" SUVs, solar panels and wind turbines for today's confused west, much of which seems intent on ceding their cultures to Islam ... in the name of justice and freedom?
It's not going to be fixed. It's a pipe dream. At no point has the world even remotely looked like meeting any benchmarks to keep CO2 at target levels. Half the world is desperately trying to catch up, usually with the aid of coal-fired power, with more than cancels out the west's modest progress.
The window is purely theoretical. We can see the current dynamics in action - there is no agreement, no cooperation on the world stage, rather there are growing divisions both between countries and within their borders due to the pressures of rapidly rising populations. That's another myth - that population growth is slowing. No, it's growing faster than ever before numerically, even if the percentage is falling.A small percentage of 8 billion is a LOT.
A quick grab a minute ago from the World Population Clock:
Current World Population
view all people on 1 page >
Births today
Deaths today
Population Growth today
This year
Births this year
Deaths this year
Population Growth this year
The numbers drop during COVID but it's picking up again.
The point I'm labouring over is we live in "interesting times" - a period of extremely rapid change, which is always of adaptive organisms. This is not being mentioned, though, with always this dangling carrot of "hope", as politicians cynically manipulate scientists' tendency to think theoretically, selling false hope, generally to strengthen their own power, control and vested interests. It's like when you team has lost its last ten games and the pundits say they can make the semis if they win their next five. Suuuure ...
As an animal lover, these ideas used to really hurt, but I've let go of my attachment to a past that cannot be again. I accept that the world has changed and, as organisms conditioned to a somewhat different world, that's hard.
We have examined humanity's form guide. How is Gaia performing. Well, good old "merciful" Gaia has royally screwed over every organism that every lived in its endless trend towards an equilibrium that its parent star will never permit. Gaia has killed EVERYONE but the current crop, and we are doomed like them.
How can we complain? The means are hard, but you can't deny the results. In 3.8 billion years, the Sun and Earth performed a "miracle" we've observed nowhere else - progressing in complexity from the most basic possible microbes to worms to simple chordates to fish to reptiles, birds and mammals ... and currently a certain lunatic simian species is dominant. For a while.
We made apes on the verge of being outclassed by cyborgs (enhanced, more rational apes), and the difference may well be as profound as that between modern humans and chimps. Another extinction event. Ho hum. Another upgrade. Gaia forges on! I would put money on it that our cyborg controllers will find a use for a lot of that plastic too. They will solve problems that trapped us for a long time, just as humans no doubt solved many ape-related disadvantaged that still prevent chimps from being able to compete with us.
I wouldn't be miserable or angry about it, unless I also spare some anger for volcanoes, asteroids and cyanobacteria. It's doesn't matter that they are brainless. We have not a whole lot more control over what we're doing en masse than they do. Again, I refer you to the Humanity Form Guide. For it to turn around in time, China, Russia, US, India and Europe would need an extended period of holding hands and singing Kumbaya.
The form guide not only says no, it says "What drugs are people on to think this fractured global polity is capable of working together towards any goal without trying to take dodgy advantage and killing of trust?".