I consider the idea '
infinite amount of ...' to be a fallacy.
Such a type of infinity is named a
potential infinity or mathematical infinity and is merely endless of nature. One is philosophically obligated to explain the potential of a begin of a potential infinity and in my opinion that concept cannot be applicable to reality outside the scope of time.
The following topic about a paper by two philosophy professors provides more insights:
Endless and infinite.
Officially the Singularity of Mass in black holes is considered a problem where mathematics breaks down and fails to explain reality. LiveScience mentions the following about it:
These singularities don't represent something physical. Rather, when they appear in mathematics, they are telling us that our theories of physics are breaking down, and we need to replace them with a better understanding.
As of today it isn't known what causes gravity. It might be neutrino's.
Gravity -- a neutrino effect?
https://www.researchgate.net/post/Gravi ... ino-effect
Gravity Emerges...From Neutrinos?
https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sc ... -neutrinos
If this were to be the case, neutrino's could be the source of both dark energy and gravity with the same mechanism (a gravitational pull effect in different directions, which would include the source of life).
A question to get further insights: can it be said that gravity is of qualitative nature? If it can be made evident that gravity requires
quality, then there could be a case to seek the source within the potential of neutrino's to change their mass influence from within themselves.
In the case that you would disagree with this theory/idea. What do you believe that mass/gravity is? And how would black holes manifest 'infinite' mass (what is the theoretical origin of the idea of infinite mass)?