I look at illegal immigration like I look at drug addiction, illegal drug usage, underage drinking, and illegal unlicensed driving of cars.
The last thing I want is a big huge violent expensive taxpayer-funded government war on it. One reason for that is that the surest way to make a problem worse and ensure it never gets fixed is to hire the government to fix it.
If the government really wanted to solve a problem like this, it would be super easy and cheap to effectively do it.
For instance, you throw a few rich white business owners in prison for hiring illegal immigrants, and illegal immigration would plummet.
Same thing about the war on drugs. If it was really about winning the war, they would throw a handful of wealthy kingpins in prison rather than millions of peaceful users and millions of street-level dealers who make less than minimum wage. Indeed, the wealthy drug kingpins are part of the deep state and pay a lot of money to both Democrats and Republicans to keep drugs illegal and unsafe, because legality would put them out of business. The point isn't to win wars; it's to create never-ending wars.
The government doesn't want to solve things you might see as problems. They want to spend a ton of your stolen money pretending to be trying to solve the alleged problems. They want to use the alleged problems as excuses to steal literally trillions of dollars from hard-working struggling taxpayers. A trillion dollars is 1,000 billions, and they steal trillions per year from USA taxpayers alone.
The best way to spend 100x as much as it would take to actually solve a problem while not solving it and making it even worse is to hire government to solve it at the taxpayers' expense.
With partisan wedge issues like immigration, gun control, and abortion, it's double trouble. They use those to keep us divided and conquered, to keep us voting for the so-called lesser of two evils so we don't realize the system is rigged, that both parties are working together for the same unelected deep state of wealthy profiteers getting fat off the taxpayers and other violence, that there is no lesser of two evils because they are both puppets working for the same one thing: The almighty dollar.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes is the author of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All. He also runs a free mentoring program that guarantees success.. Success at your chosen goal is guaranteed, whether it is a financial goal, fitness goal, or any other ambitious but at least theoretically possible goal. If your goal is to become a millionaire, it will happen if you follow his system, guaranteed. If you weigh 350 lbs and your goal is to lose 200 lbs and get 6-pack abs, it will happen if you follow his system, guaranteed.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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