Libertarianism, at its core, champions the rights and freedoms of the individual. This philosophy advocates for everyone's ability to voice their thoughts or suggestions, with a basic expectation of being heard. It proposes a society where power is not in the hands of a few decision-makers, lobbyists, or religious groups. This ideal scenario proposes minimal government intervention in personal and economic affairs.
This concept extends to a woman's right to make choices regarding her pregnancy. The motivations for seeking an abortion can range from situations involving rape or incest to concerns related to financial, social, marital status, or health issues. *1
The state's authority to influence such a personal decision or deem it illegal under various criteria is unfair. "The legality of abortion in the United States and the various restrictions imposed on the procedure vary significantly, depending on the laws of each state or other jurisdiction, although there is no uniform federal law." *2
A woman has given a lot of thought before making a final decision. Can the law blatantly disregard the prospective child's primary caregiver's evaluation of the situation? The government and society's role is to prevent such situations by creating awareness, providing counseling where required, and leaving the decision to the women.
Libertarianism also demands thorough introspection about our preconceived notions. It begins with practicing what we promote. Hence, as a first step toward true freedom, let us all cast away the undesirable and work toward setting examples. It is also crucial to approach the goal without resorting to violent and aggressive methods.
1- ... Statistics
2- ... s_by_state