Discussing my interpretation and hypotheses about cosmology
I found some Carter-Penrose diagrams as references that will be the foundation for the math to come, but I can’t seem to attach the image file
Assuming conventional assignment of Time/Space alignment:
Having some time to consider some details and alternate ideas, I postulate the following speculations:
QUESTION: Is a black hole (singularity) “Real” ?
HYPOTHESIS: Not in our “now” timeline.
Definition of a Black hole using the Schwarzschild equation: Rg = 2GM/c2
Einstein postulated that “Curvature of spacetime is proportional to mass energy of an object” as proven by the following Einstein field equation:
Ergo, mass and spacetime are causally interchangeable.
But proportional is not causation, there is no presupposition that one causes the other.
Change in curvature = change in mass. Can this explain BH evaporation?
As the curvature of space decreases so would the proportional size of the BH.
It isn’t loosing mass due to leaking Hawking radiation and even if it was contributing to the decay, the information is being released through the wormhole and into the alternate universe as their “dark matter/energy” !
In fact could DM/DE be the resulting effect of continued consumption of energy/information on the BH side being funneled through the worm hole and deposited in the white hole universe…This process being ubiquitous throughout ALL the multiverse?
Gravitational mass (M) can be experienced as a ‘projection’ or ‘hologram’ caused by space curvature.
What if a (Ker)Black hole is not REAL mass (at least not in our “now”) but actually the “shadow or “Hologram” of curved space?
The singularity does not ‘exist’ in our timeline after its initial star collapse and formation, the (BH) singularity exists in our future.
Now, It was formed by a real star collapse in a same world timeline event - for us.
But the mass at the singularity doesn’t exist ‘now’ in our present, there is no single point of infinite mass to collide with at the center.
After crossing the outer EH, time and space are interchanged IMMEDIATELY !
…so there are no spacial dimensions: U/D/L/R/F or Backward and no distance to traverse to any “center point”.
Replacing spacial dimensions and distances would be temporal based measurements…
But not limited to only forward and backward, there would be more complex iterations of time, such as: All and None, still and instantaneous !
The effect we experience as gravitational forces are not caused by an infinite mass at the center but instead brought about through a combination of the GR ‘shadow effect’ of curved space and Verlinde’s Emergent Gravity theory: the perception of gravity is linked to entropy.
As Black holes are the ultimate example of maximum entropy they would exhibit intense gravity without the requisite for M.
Hence the continued curved spacetime effecting our ‘now’.
If I have theorized correctly, then GR’s equations can be solved on a Kerr black hole to speculate the singularity is a gateway - not necessarily back into our universe - as the geodesics converge on the ring singularity but due to the anti-gravity force created by the spinning singularity are rebounded back out.
…But out where and when is the big question ?!
My Theory:
A Black hole is indeed a rupture in our spacetime universe resulting in the formation of a worm hole, which is the conduit of a black hole entrance and a white hole exit.
Assuming you can enter a black hole, you could travel through a worm hole and exit as a white hole in either:
1) The past as a parallel universe to our own.
2) In the future as a newly formed alternate universe.
A white hole exists in the new universe’s past and all black holes lead to a future or parallel universe…
If you travel forward in time you create a new universe and travel into the past creates a parallel universe to our own.
*(Time travel requires or possibly results in Infinite energy: Forward time carries positive energy - explaining the ‘Big Bang’ and reverse time carries negative energy - coincidently needed to sustain a wormhole !)
*(If we were to enter a BH by crossing the EH at light speed (c), how would frame dragging affect us?
For any matter with mass traveling at ‘c’ = infinite mass ?)
Once we enter a Ker black hole’s EH, we immediately encounter the ring singularity as there is no distance to traverse - only time, we could ‘pass through’ into a parallel universe of our current version or rebound and exit back out into a future new universe. All depending on our interpretation and implementation of temporal dimensions. (Imagine: instead of moving forward in space, you move forward in time, to move up might mean encompassing and experiencing ALL time instantly, while left might translate to ‘snap shots’ or specific points of time !)
Regarding the Holographic Principle (ADS-CFT correspondence):
Our 3+1 universe is ‘real’ and so is the universe on the ‘other’ side of the BH, in that it also has 3+1 (or more) dimensions.
The mathematics regarding the ‘holographic principle’ only apply to our perception as observers through the BH.
What if the black hole 2D information imprinted on the surface of the EH is in actuality a projection of the information that has fallen in and now created a new 3D universe on the other side (dimension).
If we were to ‘look’ into a BH, it would be analogous to viewing through a telescope, we would experience a ‘gravitational lensing’ effect resulting in the ‘Holographic principle’ … we are seeing the 2D affect of the 3D information that fell into the BH and became the catalyst for the new universe.
A final question: is it considered ‘time travel’ if one is moving at the same velocity as expanding space thereby exceeding ’c’ but not violating GR.
Oh boy, A lot to consider !!!
Eagerly anticipating your answers, detractions, oversights and POV’s with much appreciation! [/img][/img]