The author discusses the concept of 'existing above time,' claiming that God (and every human when they are assembled before God) can see what everyone has done throughout time, all at once. He argues that the linear nature of time, which makes it possible to have causes and consequences, is a misconception of the nature of timeless existence.
However, this argument goes hand in hand with the concept of time relativity. According to Einstein, time is also relative to the observer: my history can be your present, and your future can be my history, depending on the point of observation.
This concept simply merges all the timelines and makes the linear nature of time irrelevant, making the concepts of cause and consequence irrelevant. If so, we cannot be held morally responsible for what we do because it all depends on where someone is standing when I am being observed. What someone sees as a cause for a consequence that someone is facing can be completely reversed from another viewpoint.
What are your thoughts? Does the relativity of time absolve us of moral responsibility for our actions?
– William James