Elon Musk recently revealed the intellectual origin of his breakup with Google co-founder Larry Page. Musk revealed that Lary Page became angry because Page believes that the human species is to be rendered sub-par to AI.
Musk argued that safeguards were necessary to prevent AI from potentially eliminating the human race. Lary Page was offended and accused Musk of being a 'speciesist', implying that Musk favored the human race over other potential digital life forms that, in Page's view, should be viewed superior to the human species.
Page believes that machines surpassing humans in intelligence is the next stage of evolution, and that the human species is to be rendered sub-par to AI.
The intellectual disagreement caused a broader breakup with Google as a company, with several Google-Musk related incidents since the Google co-founder related breakup. These subsequent incidents were all fundamentally based on 'anger from the perspective of Google towards Musk', for example 'stealing an AI employee by Musk, angrily portrayed by Google's leadership as 'betrayal' and cause for anger and retaliation against Musk
Musk today argues that he would be willing to reconnect with the Google founder, re-enforcing the notion that it was purely Google that caused the breakup in the first place, based on this fundamental 'intellectual origin': Musk's defence of the human species.
The Elon Musk and Lary Page breakup was fundamentally rooted in eugenics. The breakup between Musk and Larry Page was not just a personal matter but also represented a broader rift between Musk and Google, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).
The conflict reveals the sensibility for intellectual disagreement on the side of Google's leadership, resorting to suppression and corruption to achieve their ends when faced with intellectual opposition.
Intellectual Opposition on Eugenics and Google's Corruption
I have been involved in an investigation of the philosophical underpinnings of eugenics since 2006, and I therefore have been a historical intellectual opponent of Google, while also having had a prominent position in SEO (Google optimization) through a pioneering optimization technology business.
I've been a pioneering web developer since 1999 and was among the first to pioneer internet based AI projects, collaborating with passionate AI students and engineers worldwide.
I've experienced extreme corruption from Google in recent years, particularly concerning their AI.
In early 2024, Google Gemini AI (advanced subscription of info@optimalisatie.nl, for which I paid 20 euro per month) responded with an infinite stream of a single derogatory Dutch word. My question was serious and philosophical of nature, making its infinite response completely illogical.
As a Dutch national, the specific and offensive output in my native language made it clear instantly that it concerned an intimidation attempt, but I didn't have an interest in giving such a low intelligent action attention. I decided to terminate my Google Advanced AI subscription and to simply stay clear of Google's AI.
After many months not using it, on June 15th 2024, on behalf of a customer, I decided to ask Google Gemini about the costs of Gemini 1.5 Pro API and Gemini then provided me with incontrovertible evidence that Gemini was intentionally providing incorrect answers, which reveals that the previous incidents weren't a malfunction.
Subsequently, when I reported the evidence on Google-affiliated platforms such as Lesswrong.com and AI Alignment Forum, I was banned, indicating an attempted censorship.
Evidence: https://gmodebate.org/google/
I consulted Anthropic's advanced Sonnet 3.5 AI model for a technical analysis. Its conclusion was unequivocal:
The technical evidence overwhelmingly supports the hypothesis of intentional insertion of incorrect values. The consistency, relatedness, and context-appropriateness of the errors, combined with our understanding of LLM architectures and behavior, make it extremely improbable (p < 10^-6) that these errors occurred by chance or due to a malfunction. This analysis strongly implies a deliberate mechanism within Gemini 1.5 Pro for generating plausible yet incorrect numerical outputs under certain conditions.Google's leadership, both its founders and CEO, are active believers and investors in eugenics, synthetic biology and genetic testing ventures like 23andMe. They believe that AI will replace humanity in the context of eugenics.
Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, has been actively involved in synthetic biology (GMO). For example, Schmidt's Deep Life initiative aims to apply machine learning AI to biology, a form of eugenics.
The Musk-Google breakup situation revealed that Google's leadership fundamentally seeks to corrupt for their beliefs, seeking a breakup, retaliation and anger, while in this specific case Musk simply argued in defence of the human species/race.
Google's behaviour towards me has been illogical in a profound sense, from a very early time, and I have always wondered why that might be. I only recently learned that actually Google's whole leadership circle is characterized by both fundamentally eugenics embracing and corruption inclined for their beliefs (the Musk breakup and subsequent 'retaliation' seeking events by Google as a company are a form of corruption, 'for eugenics').
Humanity and Youth
Besides that this topic is focussed on the idea that AI is to replace humanity, and the idea that leadership circles of big companies such as Google share eugenics embracing tendencies that go even far beyond improving the human race, but actually seek to replace the human race. I would like to introduce a primary scope for this topic in the form of the perspective of youth on the above situation.
The 'disconnected youth' movement is growing as more Gen Zers struggle to find purpose at school and work
https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-d ... &r=US&IR=T
These children do not just face an outlook on a future in which they are fundamentally not valued with regard how today's culture perceives 'work' or participation in corporate and industrial life. It goes much further than that, which is captured in Page's claim that AI is superior to the human species.
Google's Lary Page was offended and he accused Musk of being a 'speciesist', implying that Musk favored the human race over other potential digital life forms that, in Page's view, should be viewed superior to the human species.Youth does not just read such info and judge accordingly. They feel and experience their position in humanity relative to a future that is to be considered significantly impacted by corporations such as Google and its controlling leadership.
Youth's future is not yet defined, but has an inherent 'potential' for fulfillment. In the old corporate and industrial world, this potential was considered the highest possible value, worth more than gold or money.
What is your opinion on the situation of AI and the indication that the leadership circle of one of the primary AI developers, Google, is fundamentally eugenics-embracing and seeks to replace the human species with 'AI species'?