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obbeel wrote: ↑September 20th, 2024, 5:39 pm Some scientists, as of last month, are attributing consciousness to Quantum effects.I think this has been suggested quite some time ago. Didn't Roger Penrose have ideas along these lines, maybe 20 (???) years ago? Microtubules, I think?
obbeel wrote: ↑September 20th, 2024, 5:39 pm Don't we want to understand what human consciousness is all about? What is bad about giving that role to Science?If you are using screws, will you employ a screwdriver, or a stepladder, to use them? Horses for courses. There are many reasons why science is not the optimum tool for this job, I think?
Lagayscienza wrote: ↑September 21st, 2024, 9:26 pm If science cannot provide answers to the question of what consciousness is, then nothing can. Consciousness is a natural phenomenon that emerges from the operation of brains which are physical objects whose workings are goverened by the laws of nature like everything else. There are no other ways of finding out what consciousness is. Or anything else for that matter. The supernaturalists are not happy with this. They say there are "other ways of knowing". But they cannot tell us what these other ways are. And, anyway, what have they ever told us about anything that is real? Science, on the other hand, can study all natural phenomena, even morality, and even delusions such as religion.Not necessarily. What if our current scientific methodology is primitive compared with potential future science driven by AI? What if conceptions of consciousness are distorted due to longstanding assumptions? What if information is being suppressed to avoid legal challenges should AI "wake up"?
Count Lucanor wrote: ↑December 28th, 2023, 11:08 pmNo computer systems, as advanced as it can be, feels or desires anything, it has no intrinsic need in relation to the environment where it stays.
value wrote: ↑December 31st, 2023, 5:24 amIf the cosmos is not deterministic, then perhaps a logical conclusion could be, that AI itself is part of life just as the whole cosmos is part of life, and thus that AI (including today's LLM's) can perform on behalf of life itself, which is the quality 'be alive'.Is AI, in any level of complexity and advancement with regard 'capacity', fundamentally already to be considered alive to a certain extent? This question is valid when one rejects the notion of determinism.
If cosmic structure is non-deterministic and purposeful (intelligently designed), then how can it possibly be said that AI isn't?
obbeel wrote: ↑September 22nd, 2024, 12:26 pm I think it isn't right to believe that science can provide a one solution to every problem we face, and that's also talking about AI capabilities. If you ask something to an AI, it's likely to bring the same solution over and over, which is a problem. We need arguments, as is evident by the models we have today.Science itself might be considered fundamentally corrupting of nature from a philosophical perspective, and therefore, fundamentally incapable of comprehensing the true nature of consiousness and life. However, that doesn't imply that AI cannot have performance characteristics aligned with 'life' or what one might argue is actual intelligence.
obbeel wrote: ↑September 22nd, 2024, 12:26 pmWe have some scientific reason to believe that there is an intelligent being behind our creation. There is scientific reason to believe the universe is a simulation. There is scientific reason to believe that all possibilities that could happen actually happen in different worlds.I do not agree.
subatomic wrote: ↑December 23rd, 2023, 3:10 pm This post is very relevant to this quote from The Imitation Game, the movie about Alan Turing:That will be like saying: “or course the wind can’t speak as people do, it just speaks differently”. It is precisely the difference, being an essential one, that does not allow us to put them under the same concept.
"Of course machines can't think as people do. A machine is different from a person. Hence, they think differently. The interesting question is, just because something, uh... thinks differently from you, does that mean it's not thinking?
subatomic wrote: ↑December 23rd, 2023, 3:10 pm AI is simulated neural networks, and we are neural networks.We are actually living organisms with neural networks. AI is thoughtless, inanimate, purposeless matter.
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