Mo_reese wrote: ↑September 18th, 2024, 10:58 am
Sculptor1 wrote: ↑September 16th, 2024, 8:51 am
In what way do you think this might happen.
By what mechanism would greed end the "American Empire" and what do you think that is, exactly?
Since 1980 the wealthy 1% have waged a brutal war on the rest of Americans. Unions have been busted, tax money is used to subsidize and bail out big businesses and subsidize the movement of factories overseas. And it wasn't just the Republicans as Reagan couldn't get the disastrous NAFTA passed but Clinton could. We've seen major tax breaks given to the 1% and increases in defense spending to wage forever wars.
The class war has lead to a horrible increase in financial inequality. From 1983 to 2016 the aggregate wealth of US families has shifted as follows:
The upper income families saw an increase from 50% to 79%, while the middle income families saw a decrease from 32% to 17% and the lower income families wealth fell from 7% to 4%. I believe that since 2016 the inequality difference has accelerated to even worse numbers. This economic system which is running on exploited workers at home and abroad isn't sustainable and is headed for master and slave classes. Once all the wealth is transferred upwards then what? The US Empire will crash IMO.
If you are tempted enough to go back and look at traditional empires, such as the British..
During the time of the height and power of the British Empire was also the height of the most extreme inequality. Whilst the Monarch and his Lords decked themselves in gold, with massive estates, and until 1808 slaves too, they exploited the most extreme poverty and imported tea, sugar and textiles from the dirt poor peasants that made these goods.
As the 19thC progressed, the franchise was extended, and unions were born. WIth this social progress the bracks in empire began to show.
But the time of the First World War was over all adults had a vote, and the ability to join a unions the power of empire was fading. Unable to easily keep the territories gained from the Ottomans post WWI the British even resorted to chemical weapons in IRaq to crush rebellions, where the whites had replaced the locals (Canada, NewZealand, Australia), the social progress began to demand independance. By the end of WW2 the game was up, and through the emancipation of the people the empire died.
But in the US we see the very opposite of this. People are losing their power and you seen to think this will end the empire, yet China were the same personal freedoms do not exist is growing to eclipse the US.
It would seem you have thinks precisely backwards. Loss of personal freedoms and individual power is not a sign of the end of empire, but a re-assertion of it. IMperial power thrives on the fear and poverty of the masses.