The statists claim that no matter how much the would-be victim cries and screams "No" and no matter how much she physically fights to stop the sex from occurring and begs for it to not occur, it is still consensual due to some kind of invisible "social contract" that she automatically agrees to simply by happening to be born in that country or on that planet where that government rules.
It seems like blatantly absurd nonsense to me. So I hope some statists who believe such things can come reply in this topic and elaborate and defend that seemingly absurd view for us.
In any case, I ask all posting here to state clearly for the record:
Do you agree with me that so-called "legal marital rape" is indeed actually rape (i.e. non-consensual)?
Or do you somehow believe that so-called "legal marital rape" is somehow consensual and thus not really rape?
For a fictionalized version of legal rape, to get a better visual mental image of what this topic is about, please see this Reel I posted with a clip from the movie Braveheart.
Additionally, if you are interested in discussing the more fundamental and more all-encompassing issues at play, please do read and reply to the following topic of mine too:
Friends, I ask you to oppose ALL non-consensual non-defensive violence, even when it's legal or done by your government.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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