- August 18th, 2024, 8:07 am
Yes, “who knows what the universe is at the largest of scales”? You are surely right that everything is connected to everything else, that it’s "all the one thing". And, like the mysics, might usefully meditate on that oneness, but I don't think doing so will give us an answer to the question of why there is something rather than nothing. It is just a raw fact that we can’t do much with, except maybe feel at one with everything, or at ease in the universe. But it’s the parts, how they are connected and the phenomena generated by their interactions that are really interesting. We try to understand the parts and their interactions in our efforts to arrive at a greater understanding of the whole - there is no other way for us to put together the big picture. It’s like putting together an immensely complicated jigsaw.
It might turn out that the universe is a giant brain unfolding. The only way we are ever going to know is to study its parts and the laws that govern the interactions of those parts. That is what science does. To say that everything is one, and that there’s nothing else to see here, is what mysticism does. To say that the universe is God is what religion does.
Maybe if the universe is one great mind that had wanted us to understand nothing but its oneness, we would not have consciousness, rationality and curiosity. Maybe life was the universe’s first, feeble attempts at understanding itself, an attempt that developed into consciousness, curiosity and rationality. These are fun ideas to think about, but the only way we have to find out what’s actually going on is with scientific reductionism which, IMO, is not the bogeyman some make it out to be.
La Gaya Scienza