Topics: #SelfDiscipline #SelfResponsibility #Freedom #FreeSpirit #SelfDetermined #Invincibility #Grace
Whatever it is, maybe you can't do it.
Maybe you could, but are choosing not to.
Either way, trying is lying.
There is doing, there is not doing, and there is choice; But there is no try.
Failure is an illusion. It's a miserable hellish self-deceiving illusion that causes you real misery. An imaginary roadblock is just as effective as a real one. A fictional nightmare or fictional hell is just as truly tormenting as a real one. An imaginary cage is just as imprisoning as a real one.
In reality, you can be free the moment you choose to be. And then you will see as I see: Everyone and everything is a success.
Bees don't fail to be trees and trees don't fail to be bees.
The drinking alcoholic doesn't fail to be sober; he succeeds at drinking.
The cheating spouse doesn't fail to be faithful; she succeeds at cheating.
You don't fail at a no-cookie-eating-diet; You succeed at eating a cookie and following a cookie-eating diet.
I have invincible unwavering free-spirited inner peace (a.k.a. true happiness and unwavering spiritual fulfillment), because, everywhere I look and no matter where I look, all I ever see is lovable beautiful successes. I never see failure. I never see anything worthy of hate or resentment or unforgiveness.
To say I practice unconditional forgiveness would be, at best, an extreme understatement. I never see anything that needs to be forgiven or that even could be. How can you forgive the lovable for being lovable or forgive the successful for being successful? When everything is lovable and successful, there is nothing to forgive.
The failure or wrongness of reality is an illusion. There was never any failure or wrongness to forgive. Reality cannot be wrong. Reality is right, always, by definition.
When everything is always inexorably perfect, there is never anything to forgive. There can't be. That's just simple logic and math.
I always feel totally and completely safe because I am invincible and know I am invincible.
This is the sense in which I am invincible: I know that no matter what happens in regard to that which I do not control I will still invincibly be in heaven with incredible unwavering free-spirited inner peace, still feeling infinite unconditional love, gratitude, and awe. I know that no matter what happens, when I look around I will still see only lovable beauty and lovable beautiful success. That is spiritual invincibility. That is freedom. That is grace.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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