- July 4th, 2024, 8:03 am
In memory of George P. Floyd Jr.: Memory is a mirror we cannot see beyond;
It has been over 160 years since Charles Darwin helped to open one of humanity's eyes to an understanding of life on Earth, that is, how living entities transform and evolve in the forms they do within Earth’s ecosystem. Prior to Darwin’s seminal insights humanity remained in a state of abject ignorance. Unfortunately, with Darwin’s insights, humanities ignorance has become only slightly less abject. In fact, one could say that humanities ignorance has become even more abject for all of the dysfunction that has since emerged or grown even more so from them. The problem is, evolution and its genetic underpinnings doesn’t explain what humanity has always realized, perhaps even subconsciously, must be true about life, that is; you are not your body, and yet has never had the knowledge to explain this natural implementation. Consequently, religious notions became the rule of the day. Mysticism and narrative fantasy were long practiced and were the easiest source of explanations available.
Despite humanity's historical failure to explain this abstraction of the body from individuality, we were not wrong in principle. As it turns out in nature individuality is indeed abstracted from form. We have all the evidence required to prove this fact. And yet, even the most educated, able and contemplative among us overlook this fact time and again. I have personally listened to numerous highly enlightened conversations between the most professional of practitioners in various fields as they brush within a singe of the flame of truth on this matter and yet are never quite able to land on it. If even one could see the reality of life this could change the world. This is how human enlightenment often comes about, the essential details are gleaned often by a few or by the one and then that insight is shared with the rest of humanity, at such moments progress is made. The abstraction of form from individuality has long been embraced by the many religions of the world. This causes the science community to repel any possibility of this implementation as being fundamentally natural.
Most of humanities dysfunctions have emerged from this lack of understanding of personal individuality. Individual identity, in each lifetime, is iconized by what one sees in the mirror and the explanations and narratives given to us by our respective cultures. Which culture you are exposed to depends on the random lottery of circumstance that informs the specific location where you instantiate within any ecosystem, like Earths’ ecosystem, ergo; where on Earth you are born. This initial culture gets initial critical access to your new mind and so will influence its’ development. Within closed societies, for the individual, this initial access to a new mind could be decisive. Within more open societies, not so much. The misunderstanding that fuels the flame in which humanity has always burned is that the individual, you, can never live in any form other than the form you currently see in the mirror, it is the only form you can remember. However, memory is a mirror we cannot see beyond.
Carl Sagan once said; “The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be.” True he may be, and furthermore; life is short. The Earth is small. Viable habitats for life are rare. Healthy living conditions are far too limited. Preferred living circumstances are even more limited. There is no paradise, no inferno no heaven or hell. In this universe there is only nature, the earth, and other viable habitats not unlike it. With humankind possessing no grasp of the reality which informs the individuals’ presence and placement in space-time, the future of the individual human being remains entirely dependent upon the one degree of freedom left by this pervasive ignorance. That is, the conditions human individuals foster for each other and for all life on earth, and eventually, beyond. Other individuals seem to be significantly different or alien to oneself only because we are ignorant of the most fundamental natural mechanisms of life that informs the instantiation of the individual, the mechanism by which one lives.
Currently, the Earth and its myriad circumstances, such as they are, are probabilistically what comes next for you and every living individual on this planet. The natural processes that implements individuality, you, don’t cease to operate when one’s current life ends. In life, you laugh, you cry, you hurt, you long, you hunger, you thirst, you suffer, or nothing at all, by means of the form you instantiate. Regardless of where, or when you live it will be you that is the target of that experience as it is now you, only physically, experientially, differently. In each case, ones’ position-of-view (POV) is the target, the definition, the instance of your presence in nature. With no control over how and where one instantiates, you will remain at the mercy of the unconstrained probabilities of nature and random chance. As you live each lifetime confident in the certainty that the living conditions of others will never apply to you, be equally certain of how misguided you may be in that certainty. This ignorance leads to the delusion that the form with which you self-identify can be replaced by living forms that are perceived to be physically and culturally different from yours. Individual humans, while in this confused state of mind, can hardly conceive of how a past or future instantiation of ones QEF was, and will again be you, as much as you are you at this moment. Furthermore, while any individual is hosted within a wild culture, ignorant of the principles of the LINE hypothesis, by any name, and having no control of the instantiation process, one will continue to naturally reinstantiate into unforecastable circumstances for perpetuity.
The LINE hypothesis suggests that the more prolific, equitable, prosperous and benevolent a culture becomes, the less reason each individual member has to be concerned about death and what comes next. However, while vast deficits in the moral and situational landscape of living conditions persist and with no recognition and therefore no control over the instantiation process of its ecological tenants exists, all individual QEF remain fodder for the circumstantial reinstantiation lottery of nature. As conditions for all living entities in an ecosystem improves, even in the absence of any control of the instantiation process, so does each individual's prospect for naturally reinstantiating into a preferred living condition with reduced suffering, strife, and despair from which none is otherwise immune. As this preferred condition is approached, the most disrupting element that remains of concern may be the loss of any memory of all that was held dear to the individual in past lifetimes. This loss of inter-longevous identity can eventually be mitigated by the development of an accurate and accessible QEF detection technology and methodology. Thus, reinstantiated individual QEF’s, once identified, may be informed of their past recorded histories across multiple instantiations if so desired.
In nature, each living host form is indeed a one-off occurrence. The specific features formed by atoms and molecules by which you and others self-identify has been changing since the time of your initial gestation in the womb up to this moment. Human individuals self-identify by a persistent mental image of self that most fundamentally has little to do with what one actually looks like. Most individuals, throughout a lifetime, are not often challenged in this regard. Nonetheless, disfigurements occur all too often and without warning. It is at times such as these that the individuals’ perception of self becomes salient. Misfortunes of gestation or of circumstances such as the loss of a limb or severe facial disfigurement induce contemplation in all but the most recalcitrant minds. In humans, skin is not often fully disfigured or entirely altered so it remains an all too popular feature for the support of prejudices. There are conditions that can alter the individuals’ complexion severely, so a combination of often superficial features is used to maintain the cognitive dissonance of self-identification that racism among humans requires. The belief, conscious or not, that the living circumstances you currently enjoy or suffer as a consequence of these physical features and demographics and their ascribed historical narratives, is all you can and will ever be, is an unnatural and unscientific belief.
Wild evolution tends to encourage early group survival by the cultural adoption of preferences informed by the use of evolved host senses such as they are implemented in the individual. These preferences which become prejudices occur even as most living individuals remain unaware of one’s own physical form. Since for example, for sighted hosts, mirrors and other reflective surfaces were nonexistent for most of human evolution. Nonetheless, this now dysfunctional evolved tendency, like many others, can, should, and ultimately must be overridden by enlightened cognition. For humankind, that time has arrived. In each life, the story that self-aware individuals tell themselves has been hitherto contrived based upon that individuals’ current host form. The host form and too often its superficial features and emerged properties dictate the narrative which informs individual and group behavior. Upon death and subsequent reinstantiation, the individuals’ memory is reset by host termination and POV deinstantiation and by the gestation process of a new host form, and therefore each previous identity and its prior narrative is abandoned to adopt the next. Humankind has been ignorant of the natural process which implements each individuals’ instance of life in any available form that can emerge and evolve in this universe.
What then do you accept as the description of how you are present in this universe on this planet in this form at this time? Assuming you don’t accept some supernatural narrative, do you believe that the natural processes that implement you in this life occur only once for you and for all individuals? Why would you think that life for you and any individual is a one-off occurrence? We don’t accept that any other natural process, which amounts to all processes, is a one-off. This is the Copernican principle upon which all of science is based. If any individual announces the discovery of a novel natural process, the first thing that happens is all interested parties, wherever their viable position in space-time, seeks to duplicate that process as described. If the stated process can be successfully duplicated in various locations then the process is validated, else it is debunked. So why do most believe that the process that instantiates the living individual presence is thought to be a one-off natural occurrence, ergo; you only live once?
While, at present, we may imagine this to be true for other individuals, for one’s self this is not so obviously true. The Copernican principle dictates that the natural mechanisms that instantiate you as a living being can do so again. Memory is the mirror we cannot see beyond. What’s hidden just beyond the mirror of our memories or the lack thereof, is your true history and all of the possibilities that nature describes for any individual. Those possibilities are all around you. They are all of the possibilities that any living being may experience. If you think that the thin veneer of fur, hair, skin, etc. or preferred delicate facial features upon which you self-identify are naturally kept in escrow just for you, think again. Neither is ones' preferred location or circumstance in space-time kept in account for any individual. The natural process that implements individuality is fundamentally agnostic to any individuals’ cognitive expectations, desires, or comfort.
Human understanding of one’s own identity and the process which places you where you are, in the form that you are, is the basis for all that follows. What becomes one's loves and hates and fears and joys and beliefs and oppositions all derive from the narrative, true or false, that one accepts either consciously or subconsciously. What one fights for defends or perpetrates is underpinned by what you accept as the process natural or otherwise that will inform what you believe comes next for oneself and one's progeny and for other living beings perceived to be different from you.
Prior to Darwin, what humankind accepted as the reality which describes the individual’s presence on this planet and what comes next was widely supernatural or similarly misguided. After the mechanisms that underpin Darwin’s insights were discovered, a new natural description of life became available to each individual. These natural underpinnings of evolution by natural selection are supported by data and observation, a new option for how the human individual understands oneself became a science. With this revelation, newly instantiated individuals gained the option to learn or were taught early in one's new life, these new ideas.
Darwin’s insights and the ensuing genetic revolution are the descriptions of the outer layers of the local processes which construct and evolves the physical host forms upon which an individual may instantiate. These descriptions are only the transient, perishable, temporary façade of a living individual. The missing component of life is the instantiation of the individual to this physical host form. The LINE hypothesis is the introduction of humankind to the description of this missing component because in nature you don't only live once.