- June 24th, 2024, 9:19 pm
That's why I say that the short time delay does not preclude free will in Compatibilist terms.
Firstly, the delay is less than the blink of an eye, and it's far from clear that it is only during that short delay that a decision is actually made. Activity in the PFC during that short time might just be the brain booting up in readiness to make a conscious decision.
Moreover, as Sy borg mentions, we don't start each moment as a blank slate. Presxisting reasons, memories, beliefs, desires, knowledge, goals, etc. feed into decisions even if some processing occurs during the short delay before conscious awareness of a decision. That's why we have a conscious sense of continuity through time, why we have the feeling that our decisions are the result of pre-existing reasons, knowledge, goals, etc. In order to come to important, complex life decisions where conscious calculation is required, we need input from these existing memories, reasons, knowledge, goals, etc. Such decisions cannot just pop into existence from nowhere iniformed by anything.
Yes, we are determined to a large extent, but we are not automatons who are unable, in the present or near present, to freely choose based on reasons, knowledge, goals, etc. that we currently have. If those reasons knowledge, goals, etc. had been different we could have, and would have, made a different decision.
La Gaya Scienza