- June 17th, 2024, 9:05 am
Great Voids: Seeking The Elusive Cosmic Eraser;
The LINE hypothesis proposes that debytonic (dark) matter cannot create dark stars. This is because dark matter has no information accumulation, ergo; no rest mass, and therefore cannot create dark particles that can interact electromagnetically or can be captured gravitationally. It requires rest mass for the electromagnetic and gravitational accretion of matter to occur. Curved space-time does not capture or attract curved space-time, ergo; Gravity does not attract gravity. There can be no dark stars, however, there can be dark holes. Dark holes are formed by very fast-moving debytonic (dark) matter. Extreme events such as the universal instantiation and transition events (UIE and UTE) can produce the near luminal velocity of debytonic (dark) matter. This high velocity causes a diminutive information accumulation, ergo; kinetic mass to arise within affected debytons. This minuscule mass build-up, in sufficient magnitude, produces gravitational attraction within a sufficiently large population of debytonic particles, and possibly an eventual collapse into a dark hole.
In baryonic matter, Newtonian gravitation (G) is always accompanied by mass due to the sequestration of a proportional amount of debytons within its pyrine structure. This is not the case for debytonic gravitation (GD). Once a dark hole forms it must remain at high velocity to persist as a dark hole. A dark hole is a massless high momentum high gravitation phenomenon. In a dark hole it is not high mass that maintains its’ high gravitation event horizon, but high momentum only. This subtle distinction bears odd fruit. Unlike a black hole, a dark hole cannot be attracted gravitationally as there is no information in a dark hole to attract. It requires mass to pay the information deficit called gravitation demanded by the universal information budget (UIB). Matter that subsequently falls into a dark hole is immediately teleported into the metaverse and doesn’t contribute or diminish the dark hole’s structural integrity. This is unlike black holes which maintain a considerable mass accumulation both outside and within its event horizon, a mass that directly informs its structure. Massless debytonic (dark) matter gravitation and momentum cannot fulfill this demand. Momentum in the absence of rest mass via a degree of freedom called metamatter, shared with the metaverse, is the dark hole’s superpower.
A dark hole is massless despite its initial diminutive kinetic mass of formation. This is because upon the formation of a dark hole, upon the establishment of its event horizon, the conditions of extreme velocity of the debytons that precipitated the dark hole formation no longer exist within its event horizon. The information accumulation as mass dissipates inside the event horizon of the dark hole as a type of Hawking radiation very soon after its formation. This debytonic Hawking radiation occurs even within an expanding universe and induces no change in the momentum of the dark hole. The dark holes continued high velocity relative to space-time is required to maintain its high momentum and its event horizon. On the other hand, black holes require universal contraction to emit Hawking radiation due to the black holes’ high mass content which maintains a grip on its captured bounty. A grip that can only be overcome via an external reduction in the maximum universal speed limit, the speed of light. A reduction that occurs during universal contractions.
However, dark holes have no such requirement. Due to a dark hole's lack of internal mass, its gravitation and event horizon is maintained only by the opportunistic coalescence of near luminal speed debytons. Dark holes are impervious to most universal influences. Like its constituent debyton particles, dark holes are weakly interacting and do not respond to most external stimuli. Like a great cosmic eraser, dark holes will gravitationally attract all manner of baryonic information states and matter and manifestations thereof. By the UIB, a dark holes’ event horizon persists by the balance between its high velocity and the current maximum universal speed limit, the speed of light. Any adjustment to either of these critical factors will result in loss of momentum and the emission of debytons as debytonic Hawking radiation and the deterioration of the integrity of the dark hole. Of these two factors, the more likely and immediate to change in this space-time is the dark holes’ velocity. Very few universal interactions can affect a dark holes’ path or velocity due to its weakly interactive nature. A dark hole is potentially an unstoppable gravitational cosmic wrecking-ball.
What phenomenon might possess the wherewithal to influence a dark holes’ velocity and thereby begin its rapid destruction? It is free debytonic point particles, the likes of which construct a dark hole, that bears the seeds of its demise. The tax demanded by the UIB never goes on holiday. It is the immense clouds of debytonic (dark) matter throughout the cosmos that can spell eventual doom for dark holes. As dark holes pass through clouds of debytons at its native high velocity, not unlike photons whose path bends to compensate the UIB as they pass through gravitational fields, so too does the dark holes’ speed, momentum and path alter as the information deficit demanded by the UIB is paid. Like a dark ice-cube melting in the sun, a dark hole moving through vast clouds of debytonic matter, has its days severely numbered by this interaction.
Consequently, relatively few dark holes survive in these cosmos. Dark holes can nonetheless survive within regions of low debytonic matter population and will reek havoc upon the local environment within its’ light cone. A dark hole will, over time, clear all detectable baryonic matter within its reach. Such baryonic deserts are described as; voids. Within voids, dark holes, with their high velocity, reign supreme as they erase all baryonic structure within their considerable reach. Such dark hole infested regions of space are made prominent by the absence of stars, gas or any observable baryonic information structure. Only the most opportunistic of dark holes will survive to the present day to be seen by equally opportunistic astronomers. No doubt A Nobel Prize awaits the persistent and fortunate astronomer that discovers this most elusive and unifying among natural phenomena, but what to look for?
While there will be relatively few dark holes surviving to the present state of universal transition, fortunately there are numerous great and super voids that offer vast tracks of dark hole infested space-time that present ample opportunity for discovery. The perimeter of these mysterious swaths of missing baryonic matter where the darkness meets the visible structures of the cosmos of stars, nebulae, pulsars etc. presents the dedicated astronomer with an opportunity to witness a dark hole in the act of satisfying its voracious appetite. Formerly observable matter at the perimeter of voids will be seen to vanish as the void continues to grow as it has for epochs of universal time. Cosmological voids will grow nearly imperceptibly as the termites of the cosmos that are dark holes continue to expand their dark realm by opportunistically devouring any baryonic matter within reach of their considerable information drain into the underlying metaverse. I encourage all nimble minded astronomers of every ilk, to pursue this noble, career altering initiative at your earliest convenience.
Great and Super voids began as baby voids. The LINE hypothesis suggests that dark holes formed early in the universal instantiation and transition events. At that point in universal evolution, the entire universe was no larger than the Andromeda galaxy is today. At that time there was precious little space for information in any form to move through. After each UTE the universe is as an expanding debytonic (dark) matter egg composed overwhelmingly of numerous galaxoids, like egg yolks, most confined within a WOF halo of baryonic matter, floating in a vast ocean of debytonic matter. Once sufficient space expands into existence, it is from this dark matter that the population of dark holes is accelerated into existence. The baryonic matter that existed at that time existed only as wispy veins of electrons and protons and elementary combinations thereof weaved between the galaxoids from their own WOF halos. As the growing universe expands, space becomes increasingly available and galaxoids begin their long evolution into galaxies.
Over the course of the next few million years, dark holes have a limited time frame in which they will consume any baryonic matter that happens into their dark, ever-winding path. At that point baby voids, excavated by these dark termites of the universe begin as excavated regions, no larger than a large nebula is today, but devoid of matter of any kind. Over the course of the ensuing 13.8 billion years of universal expansion, these baby voids will expand with the rest of the cosmos to become super voids of empty space consisting perhaps only of a precious few galaxies that opportunistically wondered into the void after the preponderance of the dark holes reign had passed. Observing dark holes in action is a retroactive time trip made possible by the extreme latency of electromagnetic waves traveling through space-time over the universes' entire history. It will require equipment, perhaps an order of magnitude more powerful than even the soon-to-be-launched JWS telescope, to have any chance of witnessing the unraveling of this relic of a cosmic archeological process unfolding at the edges of the voids.