- June 4th, 2024, 9:58 am
The LINE Queue:
On Earth, during the gestation period of each viable host for life, the processes of Mitosis, Meiosis, Cleavage, Bifurcation, Translation, Transcription, Replication are all essential processes that construct, and for a lifetime, maintain the stage, the host form, from which any individual will live life and are all quite interesting in their own right. However, it is during the process called instantiation which establishes the individuals position-of-view (POV) that you enter stage-left (instantiate) and will eventually exit stage-right (deinstantiate) leaving behind the anonymous local material, the atoms and molecules which construct the living host, the stage from which each lifetime will unfold.
What is it that every pharaoh, emperor, sheik, king, or individual of sufficient power and means eventually desires most above all else in life? It is to influence, or otherwise take control of what comes next for the individual after one’s current life ends. A control, without which, for any living being, all of the power and treasure in the world will eventually come to nothing. Such individuals may pass on their fortunes and status to others but what is to become of the individual? What becomes of you? No doubt we have been nurtured by our respective societies and cultures to consider such notions in established traditional often mythological ways, however, until a culture accepts the actual, natural, and empirical process which govern and mediate the universal instantiation and mobility of individuality, this amounts to nothing more than an accepted or enforced cognitive dissonance, ergo; self-delusion. So, how can a living individual influence in what form, circumstances, and where one will reinstantiate in one's next life?
On Earth, in the year 2019 AD, being the only known life hosting ecosystem in existence, the human birth rate is an average of 360,000 births per day and the human mortality rate is approximately 151,600 deaths per day. Hence, with each rotation of the Earth, there are, on average, over 200,000 additional viable human host forms available for instantiation than there are deceased human lifeID’s imprinted to metamatter. LifeID's of individuals that have been recently instantiated, living as human beings hosted by earth's ecology. Understand that the lifeID is the heterodyned information states of a particular individual’s instantiated degrees-of-freedom of the QE spectrum (QEF) and host form imprinted to metamatter which serves to bias that particular individual to extant compatible host wherever such forms may exist in space-time. Such locations are some viable habitats within a viable environment. Therefore, individuality, life, may be instantiated either by way of a viable host form’s QE connection with an available, compatible lifeID previously imprinted to metamatter or, alternatively, by such hosts QE connection to un-imprinted stem-metamatter at an original to this ecosystem, ergo; virgin QEF.
These numbers suggest that on earth, there is, on average, 150,000 additional human individuals per day who have been recently instantiated to earth’s ecology and therefore possess imprinted lifeiID’s which are compatible with extant Earth forms seeking reinstantiation, seeking a new life. Given the current human reproduction rate, these 150,000, formerly human, individuals each day will very quickly be reinstantiated to newly available, highly compatible human hosts. This leaves the additional 200,000 newly conceived human hosts to entangle QEF that are recently new to the human form. These new QEF are individuals that are probabilistically more likely to have been previously instantiated to near-human species. Such near-species possess genetics that imprints metamatter, ergo lifeid’s that are evolutionarily more compatible with human hosts than other extant host forms. Such compatible species may be those of extant primate forms and eventually of increasingly more distant mammalian hosts and beyond. Over time, the uninstantiated lifeID imprinted to metamatter, fades as its metamatter imprint gradually regresses to a stem-metamatter condition. In so doing, its compatibility with extant host forms probabilistically regresses down the evolutionary tree of Earth-life. This regression of the lifeID causes ones QEF to reinstantiate related extant forms, population providing. Else, lifeID compatibility will continue to descend the evolutionary tree until a stem-metamatter condition is reached which describes a truly indeterminate or null LifeID. A null lifeID renders the individual QEF able to instantiate any viable host form that may emerge anywhere in this space-time.
This also suggests that host reproduction over and above the mortality rate of any given ecosystem will instantiate virgin QEF. That is, the individuals’ degrees-of-freedom, ones’ QEF, becomes the dominant bias of ones’ lifeID, having no remaining host-specific bias whatsoever imprinted to metamatter. This leaves the individuals’ QEF probabilistically highly susceptible to reinstantiate into existing distant DNA lines or beyond. So, why would the regression of the LifeID conform to the evolutionary path of DNA? For the entire history of earth-life metamatter has been imprinted by all of the evolved host forms which have led to present-day forms. As the individual lives and species evolve, metamatter is hypothesized to imprint gradually in increasingly opaquely influential layers of metadata which obscures but also protects and essentially fossilizes prior imprinting much as Geological sedimentation covers and protects ancient layers and artifacts. Thereby permitting the winds of time during prolonged periods of deinstantiation to gradually erode ones imprinted metamatter to gradually expose past imprinting to available compatible hosts seeking instantiation. This is what permits the possibility of regression over time, to ancestral host forms.
The LINE hypothesis suggests that metamatter is as much a part of life as is ones genetics, they go hand in hand, regardless of the differences between the physics of the metaverse and the physics of this universe. Hence, as rock progressively erodes to reveal its distant fossilized history, likewise, the compatibility or FT of the dissipating lifeID is informed by its imprinted evolutionary history. However, metamatter imprinting is tempered by long spans of evolutionary time. Therefore, recent ancestral traits will not naturally persist in matamatter with any great potency. As a result, few, if any, culturally significant inherited distinctions existing for less than some minimum span of time will be found to naturally imprint to metamatter. Hence, such traits are unlikely to influence the lifeID and the individuals FT. For one’s FT, such traits constitute weak attractors.
Gender, for example, having been an indigenous trait of earth-life for many millions of years across many diverse species may be a strong attractor to species within mammalian imprinted lifeIDs, but will nonetheless, remain a weak attractor for the individual FT given the highly transient nature of the gene expression that determine one’s current gender. Likewise, other more transient host features such as fur, hair and dermis details and complexion or facial structure, will also be weak attractors. This suggests that many culturally contrived demographic traits will not carry from one instantiation to another. So, when Sheik Zayed, Queen Elizabeth, or Bill Gates, say they would like to reinstantiate into their current family line or to a specifically prepared host, though they may have particular demographic features in mind, there is no telling what compatibility their actual natural FT describes. Hence, only synthetic manipulation of the conditions of their next deinstantiation event will permit some degree of influence over their prospects for reinstantiation.
For natural familial instantiation to occur one must deinstantiate within the instantiation period of gestation of a highly compatible host form, ergo; a close relative. However, it is typically highly improbable that any individual would deinstantiate during the instantiation period of gestation of a member of one’s immediate and desired family. Such an occasion would almost certainly need to be pre-arranged and would require a conception that is carefully synchronized with one’s next deinstantiation event, death. The instantiation period or LINE period (LPD) is hypothesized to be that span of time during the gestation of a viable host within which the developing host form seeks to instantiate available QEF or lifeID. At present, for humans, the LPD is estimated to be a moment around the eleventh day of gestation. The LINE process will benefit from refinements of the LPD to within hours instead of days of this pivotal moment in the reproductive process.
Hence, the LINE hypothesis suggests that the individual at death has a very small chance of naturally reinstantiating into their current immediate family line. What is typical for an individual at death, in an ecosystem which hosts an abundance of one’s current species, is certain reinstantiation of one’s lifeID to a sufficiently compatible host. However, to do so, some amount of time will need to pass during which the individual's lifeID will adapt or regress from its current imprinted host state to another sufficiently compatible DNA line. The location of such candidate forms in space-time is completely inconsequential to this non-local process. Regress in this context is the time dependant loss of imprint resolution of one’s imprinted metamatter with ones current heterodyned DNA and QEF state. This regress causes one’s fidelity of teleportation (FT) to become increasingly dissimilar and hence less compatible with ones current host, and increasingly more compatible with increasingly distant relatives. Since all living forms in an indigenous ecosystem are ecological relatives with each other, all species in ones current ecology are eventually candidates for reinstantiation with indigenous lifeID’s.
If no familial or closely compatible hosts are undergoing the instantiation process within a robust and tightly similar DNA pool such as homo-sapiens, reinstantiation will be to increasingly distant extant relatives and eventually to near and increasingly distant species within ones indigenous ecosystem and eventually beyond. Such distant and near-species instantiations are much less likely when ones current species is genetically similar and thriving with no extant near species such as Neanderthals or Cro-Magnon etc.. Of the 360,000 instantiations of human hosts that occur each day on earth, how could one influence and simultaneously maximize ones reinstantiation prospects to one preferred host? The LINE hypothesis introduces such a process called; The LINE Queue (LQ).