In times of economic downturn like at present, factors other than immigration are the actual cause of perceived problems. Not least of which is the failure of governments of all persuasions to build an adequate supply of social housing. This has driven up existing house prices and is making rents increasingly unaffordable for those on the bottom of the economic pile. Governments could have fixed this problem long ago by ending negative gearing so that building new housing became more profitable for rich investors than buying up existing housing stock.
This will have to happen sooner or later because without it, cutting immigration, which the government is doing, will not help much because it is not addressing the underlying problem. And, moreover, until Australia can get its fertility rate up, we will need immigration to fuel continued growth.
IMO, it is not immigration per se that is the problem in Australia. It is the type of immigrants they are allowing in. We should only allow in those who are committed to secular democracy with the separation of powers and the freedom of, and from religion, provided for under Section 116 of our Constitution. Australia must never become a place where religious fundamentalism can take hold.