Belinda wrote: ↑May 28th, 2024, 1:57 pm
Sy Borg wrote: ↑May 27th, 2024, 5:12 pm
Belinda wrote: ↑May 27th, 2024, 6:06 am
Sy Borg wrote: ↑May 26th, 2024, 5:06 pm
The UN, the Guardian, the BBC are all just as biased as Time of Israel and Haartz but you think the former three that busily disseminate Arab propaganda are fact.
While it's true that every interpretation is biased to some extent no matter how honest the story teller tries to be, there is a test that can help us to select the better interpretation.
Disinterested interpreters seek only to inform ,i.e. those we sometimes call 'the free press'. Other interpreters' interests are vested in profiting themselves.
Aljazeera has been banned in Israel so it follows the Israeli press is not free unless it follows political directives.The banning of books, art, and journalism is the action of a right wing and fascist state.
I used to believe the Guardian and the BBC as much as you do. Then I realise that, while their facts tended to be correct, they were oh-so-carefully curated to provide a biased viewpoint. They conned me for a long time, but the penny finally dropped. The "free press" is free to manipulate us in almost any way that it wants - and it does.
The UN is absolutely biased. Their over-focus on Israel is akin to a tax commissioner who devoted half the department's resources to Elon Musk, ignoring most of the other 2,700 billionaires in the world.
Who do you suppose such manipulation would serve? Any business that depends entirely on its customers (such as does the Guardian)is not going to lie and cheat if the owner wants to keep his customers.
1. Many academics have been brainwashed with the Marxist model that everyone is either an Oppressor or Oppressed. The former are assumed to always be bad, and the latter, good. There is a lack of emphasis on responsibility, and how people and state create their own fates with their decision, but blame their problems on others.
I know this because I was inculcated too. Thankfully, I philosophy helped me shake off those biased influences, allowing me to see situations more clearly, without the distractions of ideology.
2. As for the UN, a quarter of their members of anti-Semitic Muslims. Then there's China, Russia, and all of their many vassals and debt-trap hangers-on, who will always vote to undermine the west.
3. The Guardian is playing to its leftie audience, serving them the "tofu" news they love while Newsmax will toss red meat to its rhetorically carnivorous audience. None are credible. They are corporations. Corporations, by their nature, are not to be trusted.
Maybe you have not had to deal with corporations in recent times. There was a time when they cared what the public thought. If you had a problem, they might give you a year of freebies to preserve their good name. This system was eroded by cheaters, of course - the cheaters whom we on the left NEVER seem to call to account for ruining any benefits made available to the deserving.
Meanwhile, corporations became so huge that they no longer cared what individuals thought of them. The problem here is that that there are fundamental conflicts of interest between corporations and individuals. No corporation or organisation (including in government) can be trusted to tell the truth. They all have people hired to specifically massage the truth for the public. They hold meetings to decide on the spin. A corporation will only ever tell the unfiltered truth if that truth is in their favour, or if forced to do so at "lawyerpoint" (gunpoint in a modern civilised society).
That you trust mainstream media as unbaised looks like an old world view, looking at media as it was in the 1960s and 1970s, when journalistic integrity mattered. Times have changed. Almost all of those whom you once trusted, are no loner playing it straight. Even scientific institutions will create dodgy reports, presenting atypical samples as typical, providing endorsements for money, and being prepared to say or do just about anything to access that sweet, sweet corporate grant money. Thus, health corporations will promote junk and processed foods, and get in bed with the pharmaceutical industry ... and so on.
I found it profoundly disturbing when I first started realising that almost everything about society that I thought was true had been spin. I'd been duped - for decades - lured by the chance to signal my virtue, to show what a just and kind person I was. I was duped by misrepresentations and I became a misrepresenter myself. Oops.
Some time ago, I probably would have followed this Palestine mania, making up rationalisations for the obvious cognitive dissonance needed to hold that position. Now I just see it as groupthink. Think about it, why are Palestinian deaths such an emergency and Sudanese deaths aren't? Why wasn't it an emergency as about 377,000 Yemenis were killed thanks to Iran's Houthis? It's estimated that about 940,000 people were killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Pakistan in recent years.
But no one knows cares, not like they care about the evil, dirty Jews attacking innocent, sweet Palestinians. Why not?
Because they were not told to care by their (chosen) corporate masters in the media!
Politics is so changeable and easy to manipulate, I prefer to broaden my perspective. Thus, I don't see Russia v Ukraine - I see what's left of the Russian empire trying to bolster itself after hard times. I don't see China v Taiwan, I see what's left of the Chinese dynasty trying to bolster itself after hard times. I don't see Israel v Palestine, I see what's left of the Ottoman empire trying to bolster itself after hard times.
None of this is happening in isolation. With the end of the US hegemony (a situation no doubt cheered on by the anti-Israel crowd) world borders are once again called into question. China has taken almost all of the South China Sea. Where was the UN and its fifty or so resolutions made against Israel? They were completely silent. China is also currently salami-slicing (as Israel did) Bhutan and Nepal.
I wonder if other nations will try the Hamas method that has been incredibly successful. By sending missiles into Israel and kidnapping and torturing hundreds of hostages, and then playing the victim when Israel naturally retaliated, Hamas have achieved widespread international acclaim and recognition, and they have destroyed Israel's international support, laying the groundwork for the final removal of Jews from the ME.
A brilliant strategy. All they needed to do was not care about causalities, to treat their human shields as assets rather than as humans. Given how brutally Hamas has treated its own people (not just gays and women), their people's deaths are not important, only the political outcome.