- May 24th, 2024, 7:05 am
Within this space-time we are all too familiar with aspects of matter which are exclusionary in nature, that is, having properties that enforce a singleton behavior to the way all matter-based entities occupy this space-time. In short, no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. When you plug a video cable into a video port on the back of your PC that port becomes occupied and cannot be re-occupied until you remove the current connection freeing the port, freeing the space-time it occupies for future connections. This behavior is taken for granted by our interpretation of reality. Even in circumstances that may seem to defy this behavior it doesn’t. For example, two glasses of water poured into a vase may seem to occupy the same space at the same time but make no mistake even the molecules and atoms that compose this and every other fluid jostle each other and also any pollen grains in their midst for a singleton position in space-time. A thorough description of this behavior served Albert Einstein well when it earned him a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his paper on Brownian Motion.
Such exclusionary behavior exists throughout nature in many different implementations and yet, not in others. For example, electromagnetism is famously nonexclusive in sharing or exposing its quantifiable degrees of freedom such as frequency, wavelength, polarization, intensity, etc. Otherwise, we would all have to take turns enjoying our favorite stations on our fancy TV and radio sets. Electromagnetism travels outward from its source in waves and is constrained by the Higgs field to travel at or below the speed of light yet its DOF and the valuable information encoded therein simultaneously pervade the propagating waveform as it travels through space-time. Like all things in nature the specific magnitudes of these properties imprinted on the waveform immediately begin to circum to the laws of nature so distance or weather may affect the reception of your TV signal. Likewise, the aspect of instantiation of the individual life responsible for the mobility of individuality in this space-time shares exclusionary features that are similar to matter even if in an unfamiliar implementation. Ones' QE connection to metamatter in Hilbert-space is similarly exclusionary in its behavior as it entangles your living host form wherever viable forms emerge in this universe. Each LINE is a unique value among the infinite possibilities of the DOF of the entanglement spectrum (a property of Hilbert-space). One of these LINEs belongs to you, it always has and it likely always will, at least as long as Hilbert-space exists as it currently does.
Via natural entanglement, ones' LINE may non-relativistically connect any viable host in this universe with any metamatter in Hilbert-space to instantiate your position of view (POV). Like matter or the cable on the back of your PC, ones POV cannot be shared but must be terminated before a new entanglement a new instantiation a new life is established. This is the monogamistic, singleton, and exclusionary nature of life. It is why one must die to instantiate anew. Which particles of metamatter or of matter are involved or their location in this universe is completely inconsequential as both are completely transient, which is what makes it so ridiculous to think that matter is what defines one's individuality. Any matter and any metamatter will do just fine. Of course, what any species may care most about is its form at least at first. So what influences may be brought to bear on this implementation to offer beings like us some semblance of control over our own instantiations? Ones entangled metamatter in Hilbert-space and matter in this universe is nonspecific and are currently biased toward a specific QEF only by circumstances that are quite arbitrary in nature. Nonetheless, ones' instantiation is governed and mediated by the rules of monogamy of entanglement and by whatever influences happen to arise that might affect ones' Fidelity of teleportation (FT) and metamatter imprint.
This mutual tuning of the Alice and Bob components of individuality is the only means by which any possible control may be exacted. Though the entanglement spectrum must have existed for time untold even before the big-bang, this bias of stem-metamatter began when entanglement molecules first joined with other matter structures to form the first viable hosts for life. Ever since then, eco-systems in this universe and their evolved living hosts have essentially tuned metamatter by storing information into this bootstrapping cloud-storage repository of nature. This began the initial propensity for eco-systems to become obtuse attractors of metamatter that has been imprinted by these first generations of QEF’s entangled to hosts which evolved and still exist within its unique habitat for life. This describes the beginning of the process which tunes the individual FT. With time this process becomes or evolves to be progressively more finely tuned to individual LINE’s or QEF’s. Theoretically eventually this bias may evolve or may be manipulated to favor even specific familial DNA traits as metamatter becomes more finely imprinted. This begs the question; Can other eco-systems be targeted for specific individual instantiation by synthetically detuning or retuning ones imprinted metamatter to another ecosystem's unique evolutionary signature genetic or otherwise?
An understanding of ones’ living circumstances in this universe remains equally important even if there are actually no other life-hosting environments other than the Earth. This is because regardless of ones' current location in this space-time the mobility of individuality described by the LINE hypothesis also describes how one instantiates not only throughout this universe but also within ones' current local environment which is just as interesting and important as knowledge of life elsewhere. We too often expend our concerns on finding extraterrestrial life in lieu of understanding the natural implementation by which nature populates this universe with living individuals. This latter point does not negate the importance of seeking other life in this universe, quite to the contrary. However, it may alleviate the concern caused by never actually finding such life which is highly probable in a universe as vast as, and having the laws of physics of, this universe. The laws of physics that placed you in the ecosystem in which you currently live didn’t do so because there are fundamental laws of nature that are exclusive and unique to this planet, solar system, or even galaxy. The fundamental laws of nature are expected to operate equally at every point in this space-time, thus all phenomena are also possible at every point in this universe including the phenomena that is you. It is only the circumstantial probabilities of state that vary from point to point and moment to moment that determines local outcomes. Hence, life and individuality are circumstantially possible everywhere in this space-time. More profoundly, we know without question that life and individuality is a fact and the principle of natural reoccurrence guarantees that anything that has occurred can reoccur.
Viewed in this light concerns about the eventual expiration of the sun or the end of this universe when considered through the prism of the LINE hypothesis takes on a decidedly reduced urgency. As we realize that even as you read these words countless ecosystems, stars, galaxies and perhaps even universes have come and gone in the eternal history of nature prior. So too has countless instances of individual life, some even your own. Yet here you are alive with precious little memory or consideration of the vast history of both nature and you that came before, and so it shall be again. With this enlightenment, the urgency of the fate of specific conditions and objects or collections thereof, small or large, becomes somewhat less significant as we realize our true place in the permanent structure of nature and that although all stars die and this universes may eventually become non-viable for life the immutability of the quantum entanglement spectrum and its underpinnings is fundamental in nature and the mobility of individuality ultimately sacrosanct.
In this endeavor we call science you will find, I think, there is no stranger beast than Nature herself. Contrary to the suggestion of the Anthropic Principle, this universe is not as astronomers observe it simply because astronomers exist, or because they are here to measure it. Rather, astronomers can and will exist anywhere in nature where circumstances and conditions are right for life and for astronomers. Earth’s solar system is just one such place. The distinction between these two points is not at all trivial. In fact it is profound. Because the latter point supports one particular conclusion as posed by the LINE hypotheses which is the mobility of individuality. It is only local circumstances that determine a habitat's viability for individual life. By this definition, any ‘Here’ in this universe could host individual life.
Given all of these alternative locations for being, a better question for the individual may be; Then why here? Here being this star this planet this body, this cell. If neither place nor form persists the individual, then what does? If you are having difficulty fathoming this notion keep in mind that as you read these words you are yourself on a planet orbiting a star that together is both traveling through space-time at approx. 225 km/sec. So if you think it is some particular space-time location that has defined your presence, your being then the earth’s and your location is changing every second. If it is the atoms and molecules on and in the earth that you believe tether you to your form on this spherical rocket-ship through the cosmos, think again, the atoms and molecules of the earth and your body owe no allegiance to me or thee.
If location, which includes the space within all of the atoms of the Sun, the Earth, and your body and their relative location in space-time, is purely circumstantial then the inescapable conclusion favors that the mechanism which places any living individual where they are, when they are, must operate throughout existence. You live here because you are entangled here. Entangled to a temporary corporeal physical host which happened to emerge from local material in an ever-changing location in nature that is no more special than anywhere else. Make no mistake, this is not a conclusion that in any way diminishes how wondrous and rare the processes by which living hosts have emerged on this planet. Rather, it is an acknowledgment that similarly wondrous processes can occur throughout this or in another universe where circumstances happen to be right and there you may be as alive as you are here at this moment only necessarily, superficially, differently.
Further, these superficial differences won’t matter as they don’t now matter. Any astronomer any living being inhabits nature by the laws of instantiation. You will be, you can live, anywhere circumstances are right. Regardless of how one makes the journey, whether one manages to take ones' current entangled form along onboard a spacecraft or if by reinstantiation by natural entanglement. The mobility of individuality in this universe is replete with opportunities for life and experience. Placing restrictions on what’s ‘right’ for life as we currently do today in biology and life sciences are missing the natural implementation of life and individuality. Genetics describes living hosts Earth-style. The LINE hypotheses describes natural entanglement as the host form agnostic mobility of individuality, of you, throughout nature.
The realization of the science which describes the mobility of individuality in this universe, of the kind suggested by the LINE hypothesis, adds yet another layer of ethical concern to the already ethically laden endeavors of modern-day genetics. That is the manipulation of existing, and the proposed resurrection of bygone species. Naturally evolved hosts, even those that were bread by us, are generally of sound evolutionary foundation. Humans, dogs, cats, pigeons, and bacteria are made viable by natural selection even when deliberately bread by humankind. However, with the advent of genuine genetic manipulation of the sort made possible by the discovery of the Crisper CAS9 gene comes a new level of divergence or even a complete disassociation from the process of natural evolutionary selection.
Further, in the presence of complete ignorance regarding the implementation by which nature distributes individuality in living beings throughout this universe these concerns today give rise only to relatively moderate levels of controversy and discussion. We consider the question of should we manipulate and create new species from a naively disassociated perspective which just barely rises to the level of personal concern. We may consider our distress in eating a genetically modified cow or chicken or feel some displeasure in seeing an unfamiliar host resulting from the more esoteric or misguided attempts at genetic manipulation or perhaps we worry about creating a species that could threaten our current life in some manner. This is largely because we do not see how we may one day be the direct recipient of a synthetically manipulated host.
Most of humankind is prone to accept established ideas that we were thought or exposed to early in ones' current instantiation. Most are ideas that were last exposed to the bright light of cognizant consideration many hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Careful rules of non-questioning tradition and the hierarchical consideration of new ideas have been erected to protect the status quo from the corrosive influence caused by the acquisition of factual scientific information over time. Ironically even specific scientific ideas regarding the possible nature of individuality is guilty of this protectionism. Or perhaps it's not at all deliberate but a natural evolutionary implementation meant to protect the self-aware mind, We may be largely ignorant by evolutionary design. A form of mental protection akin to the shell of an egg for the conscious intelligent self-aware mind. Perhaps some things are best left unknown.
Nonetheless, the time to break through the shell of ignorance is upon us. Shortly it will become increasingly difficult to ignore the mechanism by which individuality is distributed throughout nature. With the discovery of thousands of planets, all evolved similarly to earth but with different specific circumstances, questions will arise in the scientifically alert nimble minds that are proliferating in today’s dynamic information culture. Questions like; What is the mechanism that places me here to experience life from this body which is a part of this particular planet as opposed to some other? Why are you in that body and not me and on this planet or on some other planet? These questions can be posed from the perspective of each of the trillions of living beings alive on or off the Earth at any given moment in time. In dealing with these questions one is almost certainly either in scientific denial or you cling to some religious narrative. You see science doesn’t try to explain these questions because for most of its history there was insufficient information to address them. This is no longer quite the case. We know of the mechanisms and are beginning to develop the principles for understanding how nature universally mediates the mobility of individuality.
Realize that the collection of species that exist on earth or on any viable planet at any time is the repository of living hosts from which nature will probabilistically naturally entangle a viable form to host ones next instantiation. This combined with the realization that there is a universal phenomenon mediated by the quantifying quantum measure described by ones unique QEF and fidelity of teleportation is what will define your existence in nature for perpetuity. As we are discovering more often than not, just about anything in nature is susceptible to some level of manipulation, and with such influence is born control.