- May 15th, 2024, 9:39 am
Where is everyone?
As we probe the depths of the known universe with increasingly majestic instruments based upon the detection of electromagnetism, and as of very recently, gravity waves, it becomes increasingly apparent that the proliferation and distribution of living ecosystems in this universe is curiously low. Today we refer to this absence of detectable extraterrestrial living contact in the cosmos, as the great silence. What could account for this apparent barrenness in a universe known to host at least one prolific, remarkably diverse, extremely long lived habitat for individualized life?
Historically, humankinds search for extraterrestrial life has been based upon a premise that may be false. We consider the prospects for life beyond the earth to be loosely based on the Drake equation (N = R * fp * ne * fl * fi * fc * L). This formula, conceived by Frank Drake in 1961, considers the quantity of possible extraterrestrial civilizations to be dependent upon a number of factors all of which considers only the presence and duration of classical matter based entities and conditions. However, nature has never proven to be as simplistic as humankind may first imagine. The LINE hypothesis suggests that individual life throughout this universe is instantiated and mediated by the entanglement spectrum and it is this pervasive non-local natural medium which ultimately determines the quantity of simultaneous living individuals that is possible in this universe.
The QE spectrum is hypothesized to naturally limit this universes capacity for life. Not unlike the electromagnetic spectrum which although also quantifiably infinite, is practically limited in its utility for simultaneous useful unique channels by classical technological devices. However, for the QE spectrum and life in this universe, this is not only a limitation of biology or even of technology, but is a limitation imposed by the topography between this verse and the underlying metaverse which define this universes local QE spectrum. If life and individuality are indeed dependent upon unique singleton teleportation channels of the QE spectrum, hence, it is hypothesized that there exists a maximum number of simultaneous living individuals possible in this universe, regardless of location or host form. This capacity is described by this universes laws of physics to be some finite, potentially calculable population regardless of the number of viable habitats for life that may exist. This capacity for life is called the LINE Capacity (LC) and is the number of instantiations of individual life that may exist simultaneously in this universe.
This living population represents not only the number of POV’s had by emerged multi-cellular hosts like humans or whales or ants, but far more significantly, includes the number of instantiations of fundamental hosts, such as individual cells, currently in existence whether composing such emerged hosts or not. On earth this is a large number. In nature, each count as one instance of individual life. At any one time a human host consists of perhaps 100 trillion cellular instantiations and over a lifetime, many more than that, plus one additional. That additional instantiation is you. Ones POV heterodyned by the entanglement cells (EC) is one of nature’s pinnacle evolved invocations in Earths ecosystem. It is hypothesized that once a verses living population exceeds its LC, any additional viable ecosystems that emerge will only be perfectly habitable yet completely barren worlds, like so many well constructed houses with no one home. Near the LC, for the emergence of life to take hold, such habitats will need to remain viable for the emergence of life for a time during which the QE spectrum simultaneously has available bandwidth viable for the instantiation of living individuals, i.e. cells, to entangle at unique uninstantiated degrees of freedom (DOF) of the entanglement spectrum. Thereby initiating an indigenous genesis of life.
Further, as any universes living population approach its LC, any ecosystems therein actively hosting life will begin to experience increasingly higher mitosis, gestation, and birth mortality rates. This occurs as the existing living hosts, unbeknownst, continue to procreate, to create new viable hosts for life which then fail to instantiate the crucial teleportation channel needed to establish the living individuals position-of-view (POV). In circumstances where the universal living population remains near its LC, like an establishment approaching its fire occupancy limit, the life and death cycle of living beings throughout the universe becomes increasingly influential as it essentially consumes and liberates QE bandwidth universally. Like occupants entering and leaving an establishment, this flux of instantiation increasingly informs the availability of unique QEF to instantiate new living beings. It is highly probable in most evolved ecosystems still possessing a robust micro-biome, that this outage of life will be largely absorbed first in the vast mortality rates of diminutive host forms such as single cell life and colonies thereof. Hence, primarily by mere attrition, this outage may only rarely effect the heterodyned QEF of more complex emerged multi-cellular hosts (with EC) such as mammals, birds, fish or insects.
A universal LC potentially informs the local success rates of new life in wild ecosystems such as Earth. Further, if the LC of this universe is near some integer factor of the current population of life on earth, or even if the LC is several million times that population, nonetheless, such a finite capacity for living beings combined with this universes unfathomable vastness probabilistically infers that humankind may never detect extraterrestrial life. At least not by classical means, because where the QE spectrum reigns, neither distance nor time holds sway. In light of this possible upper limit to the natural instantiation of individuality, it should come as no great surprise that this universe appears to be so devoid of extraterrestrial life. Ergo, it is not simply a consideration of matter or of the habitability of worlds that dictate and mediate the proliferation of life in this universe. No wild ecosystem can know where its universes living population currently lies relative to its LC absent a deep command of the principles described by the LINE hypothesis.