Sy Borg wrote: ↑April 25th, 2024, 5:07 am
Good_Egg wrote: ↑April 25th, 2024, 2:57 am
LuckyR wrote: ↑April 20th, 2024, 5:24 pm
Pattern-chaser 's stated view of discrimination is that whether someone has such animosity or not doesn't matter - it's an act of discrimination regardless.
You're putting forward the (common) view that criticism is only antisemitic if it is motivated by "a personal animosity towards all things Jewish in their heart".
So if PC's opinion is that actions (not intention) is what matters (when using the label of discrimination), how does Syborg's opinion that the (action of) criticizing Israel alone (leaving out Hamas, Congo etc), which is something that folks with and without traditional anti Semitic intentions could do, is de facto anti Semitism (discrimination), differ fundamentally?
Fair enough question.
What do you think, Sy Borg ?
Are you arguing that the action of singling out Israel for criticism is so blatant, so obviously biased, that it is evidence of anti-Jewish intent and therefore antisemitic ? How many of the nations of the world came to their present boundaries by conquest, after all ?
Or are you saying that discrimination is discrimination regardless of intent, and any bias that disadvantages Jews is antisemitic, regardless of how reasonable such a bias might be ? (We're all influenced by the news we read, after all ?)
The bias based on media exposure is reasonable for "normies", not for philosophy-heads. I think that the singling out of Israel over all others is anti-Semitic. As you suggest, not all anti-Semitism is driven by ill intent, but it's still anti-Semitism. It's been some time that I've spoken about Sudan, but no one is interested but their interest in Palestine grows more intense by the day.
Also, there has been an infantilisation of Palestinians, as if being dubbed "The Oppressed" means that they lack moral agency like a child. The choice has been there all along to evacuate human shields and give up hostages but, somehow, this is treated as reasonable. If that's fair, maybe Jews should have gone into Germany and killed, tortured and raped German innocents as retribution for wrongs of the past? Would people consider this to be as reasonable as they seem to find Hamas's terrorist and continuing intransigence (despite the human cost)?
Your red statement is true, by definition. However, not all criticism of Israeli governmental policy and actions is anti-Semitism.
Backing up the truck a bit to try to find more common ground (as a Philosophy-head), every group, whether racial, religious, cultural, social or economic is looked down upon by some other groups. Thus Jews are far from alone in being criticized unjustly (and with justification). Is anti-Semitism therefore identical to anti-Catholic or Muslim sentiment, or anti-Black or Asian actions (ad infinitum)?
In my experience there is a fundamental difference between anti-Semitism and the unjust criticism of (most) other groups. Therefore my answer is: no, they are not identical. The differences include the following:
First, the Holocaust happened. It's obviously not unique in concept, nor in scope, but it is unique in that it A) occurred during the time of mass media, B) it was successfully broadcast by the mass media in the West, C) has occupied a prominent place in the mass media even 80 years later with no signs of stopping, D) the perpetrators of it have therefore been (almost) universally condemned in the West, even by Germany.
Second, because of the above and the choice of many subgroups and individuals in the Jewish community to use their legitimate historical victimization to elevate most groupwide and many examples of individual opposition they encounter beyond mere opposition, or unjust opposition/discrimination (which most other groups suffering unjust bias can claim) to a situation whereby discussion of "both sides of the argument" is labeled as inherent bias. In other words, criticism of Jews is overtly or covertly implied to be similar in "quality" to Holocaust denial, that is: so absurd and based in anti Jewish sentiment, that it doesn't deserve to see the light of day, let alone be discussed. In addition, those who attempt to have the discussion are painted with a very broad brush that includes Nazis.
To be fair, because of the timing of the Holocaust within a human lifetime to the current time, the event is extremely raw for huge numbers who had very close relations as victims. So it makes logical psychological and emotional sense for Jews as a group to choose to elevate their historical experience to that level. However, such a choice does come with other psychological consequences. Namely, that if a group repetitively criticizes how they are currently treated by others, those other groups (after a while) will apply the same scrutiny to the behavior of the first group, out of an inherent sense of equity. It has taken a really long time for this examination to gain any traction in the West, since the mass media has been telling a contrarian story. Thus in the West, open criticism of Israeli governmental actions by the rabble (not the intelligensia) is the equivalent of Man Bites Dog, it's newsworthy because of how atypical it is (historically).
Long story short, are pro Palestinian protesters "anti-Semitic"? It depends which "anti-Semitism" you're talking about. Are you using the ADL definition? If so, then yes. If you're using the common historical definition, then mostly not (though a few are).
"As usual... it depends."