Fried Egg wrote: ↑April 10th, 2024, 4:58 amI agree with Sy Borg, because separating individuals into 'tribes' of this or that is a way of ruling over the society. This because certain of these spurious 'tribes' can be demonised at the convenience of the more powerful eg the ruler.Sy Borg wrote: ↑April 9th, 2024, 6:07 pmWhat are these magical exclusive woman's spaces, and how do they differ from the reasonable exclusions that I mentioned above, professional sport and DV services, and to keep penis-owners out of women's prisons?You're just diminishing their concerns because it's something you don't care about.
It's only a tiny minority of women who occupy those spaces, and transpeople are only a tiny minority themselves, so let's remember that this issue is a molehill being treated as a mountain. It's pretty clear that we are being cynically and cunningly distracted from a program of mass immigration and quantitative easing (ie. redistribution to the wealthy) as governments make their societies much worse for the average person in order to bolster their power, improving superficial economic data and to providing extra business for their quasi-oligarch allies.
This issue is more about distraction than anything important to society.
Don't forget that J.K. Rowling first got embroiled into this issue speaking out in defence of Maya Forstater who got fired from her job for making "transphobic tweets" (what were essentially biological facts). There are numerous other famous examples of people losing their jobs and livelihoods for similar reasons and probably many more that we don't know about because it's the unknowns who are most in danger of being "cancelled". Most people just keep silent and don't speak out because they want an easy life.
So, yes, maybe this isn't the most important problem affecting society today but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter or that this is a frivolous distraction from the "real" issues.
Examples of spurious 'tribes' that have been demonised to advantage those in power:
Uyghurs Negros Women Jews Homosexuals Rohingya Irish the Poor the Mad
'Lepers' Hispanics Immigrants Biblical polytheists. The list goes on and on.
How to identify a spurious 'tribe' is to compare it with universalist values, so what you say may be for example "Before these are lepers, thieves, Irish, Jews , Palestinians, or whatever they are all simply people."