Lagayscienza wrote: ↑April 9th, 2024, 7:44 am
Fried Egg wrote: ↑April 9th, 2024, 7:25 am
Sy Borg wrote: ↑April 8th, 2024, 3:32 pmI find it strange that hetero and homo orientations are not questioned, but transpeople are ruthlessly questioned - but they have existed for a long as gays. It's just something that happens to certain people who manage to win life's booby prize. To top it off, everyone thinks they are mad for it. Poor blighters.
It is not strange at all as I have already addressed. Someone who is gay does not need medical treatment; the suppression of healthy body transformations (puberty), chemical intervention (cross sex hormones), the surgical removal of otherwise healthy body parts (e.g. mastectomy) or even the sterilisation of an otherwise fertile person or the disruption in one's ability to climax, etc.
And when one is considering administering any of the above to children then is it really any wonder why they should be questioned?
Why do some people keep trying to draw parallels between sexuality and gender?
Probably because there are parallels between the way gays used to be treated (and still are in some places) and the way transgender people are still treated today.
I've not heard anyone argue against the idea that treating gender dysphoric children should be approached with extreme caution and that nothing irreversible or surgical should be done until and unless they want it as adults. If children are being so treated then I disagree with it and think it should be stopped.
I have no problem with transgender or transexual or gender dysphoric adults deciding to undergo gender reassignment after appropriate counselling.
My post was to Sy Borg who commented "it strange that hetero and homo orientations are not questioned, but transpeople are ruthlessly questioned". A perfect example of the parallels between sexuality and gender being taken to far it seems to me.
I read into what he was saying (perhaps unfairly) an argument standing in defence of
gender affirmative care, which many people do make. The suggestion is that is transphobic for a parent or doctor to even to question whether someone really has gender dysphoria.
Pattern-chaser wrote:Fried Egg wrote:It's not merely a matter of having (or a lack of) empathy for trans people. The problem is when trans rights come into conflict with women's rights. She doesn't have any objection to trans people doing whatever they want to do until that hurts women.
ut does it? Hurt women, that is?
The main issue that TERFs focus on is women's 'rest rooms'. But anyone with a penis, regardless of their sexual or gender-based predilections, can enter these rooms and harm women, although they should not. Happily, it rarely happens, and there are laws in place to punish offenders. It doesn't matter whether the offender has gender issues, but only whether they have threatened women, or harmed them. And banning trans people — most of whom have no intention of harming anyone — from ladies' rest rooms does not protect women from offenders who are not trans people. By concentrating on trans people, we are ignoring another (also very small) group who actually harm women...?
Well, it's not just rest rooms but many women put value in female only spaces such as rest rooms where it is socially unacceptable for a man to enter. Sure, it is still possible that a man could enter a women's rest room, but the fact that it is socially unacceptable and that they will likely be called out is a big disincentive on men doing so. And it has nothing to do with trans women being perceived of as a particular risk to women (above and beyond men in general). Most violence committed against women comes from men and therefore they want spaces free of all men. Not because all or even most men are threats, but because most threats against women come from men.
Note, one of the main reasons this idea is so contentious is wrapped up in the idea of "self identification". i.e. someone being able to simply declare that they identify as a woman and then gaining access to women only spaces. If a trans woman passes well as a women then it is hardly likely that they will have any problem entering a women's only rest room. It's more about stopping normal looking guys just declaring they are females.
Also, note there have been incidents of lesbians being accused of being transphobic because of not wanting to couple off with trans women claiming to be lesbian.
Ultimately, this is simply about freedom of association. If women want to have places they can go with no men around, that is their prerogative. They don't need a "good" reason to justify excluding men.
Sy Borg wrote:Fried Egg wrote:It's not merely a matter of having (or a lack of) empathy for trans people. The problem is when trans rights come into conflict with women's rights. She doesn't have any objection to trans people doing whatever they want to do until that hurts women.
The only valid areas I can think of where discrimination is justified are 1) sport 2) refuges and 3) awards.
Well, I would add rest rooms and prisons to that list for a start. Ultimately though, it doesn't matter what we think, it's up to women.