Lagayscienza wrote: ↑April 7th, 2024, 12:37 amThis thread is bogged down in a dispute about terminology that does not advance anyone’s understanding of what is at stake.
Terminology matters a lot in philosophy and science, and critical conceptual analysis does advance
everyone's understanding! In gender (identity) discourse terminology is a mess!
Lagayscienza wrote: ↑April 7th, 2024, 12:37 amThere is nothing delusional about a boy with gender dysphoria feeling that he should be a girl despite his/her knowing he/she has a penis. Calling it delusional is tantamount to saying that gender dysphoria should again be again listed in the DSM as a psychosexual disorder and that it should, therefore, be treated with psychotherapy.
For your information: Gender dysphoria
is still listed in the DSM-5 as a mental disorder!
"Gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults is classified by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, as a mental disorder characterized by unhappiness with one’s biological sex or its usual gender role and with the desire for the body and role of the opposite sex."
("Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Adults," in Mental Health and Mental Disorders: An Encyclopedia of Conditions, Treatments, and Well-Being, Vol. 2: F-P, edited by Len Sperry. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2016. p. 501)
"The most recent versions of the two main mental disorders classifications—the World Health Organization's ICD-11 and the American Psychiatric Association's DSM–5—differ substantially in their diagnostic categories related to transgender identity. ICD-11 gender incongruence (GI), in contrast to DSM-5 gender dysphoria (GD), is explicitly not a mental disorder; neither distress nor dysfunction is a required feature. The objective was compared ICD-11 and DSM-5 diagnostic requirements in terms of their sensitivity, specificity, discriminability and ability to predict the use of gender-affirming medical procedures."
Quelle: https: //
Lagayscienza wrote: ↑April 7th, 2024, 12:37 amThe john/Joan case demonstrated that this is the real delusion and not the person's feeling of what gender they should be. No amount of psychotherapy will help because it does not address the cause of gender dysphoria.
You're questionably presupposing that there is such a thing as
the (one) cause of gender dysphoria (as postulated by the innate gender-identity model).
Lagayscienza wrote: ↑April 7th, 2024, 12:37 amNeurobiological research into gender dysphoria has demonstrated “distinct gray matter volume and brain activation and connectivity differences" in people suffering from gender dysphoria when compared to controls; and this "leads to the concept of brain gender” Thus, it is likely that physical differences in the brain account for the feeling gender dysphorics have that they are the wrong sex.
Gender dysphoria is a mental state; and if mental states are neural states, then it is trivially true that there are certain neurological differences between the brain of a gender-dysphoric person and the brain of a non-gender-dysphoric person. However, it doesn't follow that gender dysphoria is innate or hardwired in the brains of gender-dysphorics.
Lagayscienza wrote: ↑April 7th, 2024, 12:37 amEveryone knows what the term “gender identity” means.
Even gender theorists now admit that…
"…there is no one thing that answers to the name "gender" (or, for that matter, to the name "gender identity")."
(Briggs, R. A., and B. R. George. What Even Is Gender? New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 2)
Lagayscienza wrote: ↑April 7th, 2024, 12:37 amIt means the sense one has that one is a certain gender whatever genitalia one has. Gender identity is not about what genitals one has. It is about what gender one feels oneself to be, and the feeling of being one or the other gender is likely caused by differences in neuroanatomy.
What exactly is a
gender, if it's not one of the two sexes?
What exactly is a
sense of gender, if it's not awareness/knowledge of one's sex?
You call gender identity a
feeling, but what exactly is "the feeling of being one or the other gender"? When a transwoman says
"I feel that I am a woman", what exactly does
"to feel" mean here?
Among the meanings of "to feel" mentioned in the Oxford Dictionary of English are "to perceive mentally, become aware of", "to have the sensation of being (what is predicated);…to regard oneself as", "to believe, think, hold as an opinion", "to apprehend or recognize the truth of (something) on grounds not distinctly perceived; to have an emotional conviction of (a fact)". – So, basically, a feeling can be a
belief, and it can be
A man
can regard himself as a woman, believe or think that he is a woman, be convinced, or be certain that he is a woman; but a man
cannot perceive, be aware, apprehend, or recognize that he is a woman, since this presupposes
being a woman.
Anyway, if gender identity is
gender (self-)belief or
gender (self-)knowledge, why not dump the inappropriate and confusing term "gender identity", especially as it makes no sense to call a belief or knowledge an