Sculptor1 wrote: ↑April 4th, 2024, 6:01 pm
Consul wrote: ↑April 4th, 2024, 11:23 amNo newborn baby knows whether it's female or male, a girl or a boy, especially as the concepts of femaleness/girlhood and maleness/boyhood aren't innate.
This is not relevant to the discussion; just a smoke screen.
What could be more relevant to the discussion than a direct answer to the question
Is there such a thing as an innate sense of gender? (which is the title of this thread)?!
Sculptor1 wrote: ↑April 4th, 2024, 6:01 pmFoetuses have no langauge, so obviously they do not even know they are "human", let alone a boy or a girl.
If all natural verbal languages such as English are acquired through learning, and (propositional) knowledge depends on verbal language, then human newborns know
nothing, because then there can be no innate knowledge. It would also follow that (even adult)
nonhuman animals know nothing because of their lack of a verbal language.
However, most cognitive psychologists think this is not the case; so they have drawn a distinction between
verbal language and
mental language (aka
language of thought or
"Mentalese"), the latter of which is said to contain nonverbal (verbally non-expressed)
concepts ("ideas") as a sort of mental representations. If (propositional) knowledge depends on such concepts rather than on words, then it can be had by nonhuman animals as well; and then knowledge can be innate
both in humans
and in nonhumans, even if all verbal languages must be learned.
So if there is such a non-/pre-verbal "language of thought", innate knowledge (such as knowledge of one's sex) is not ruled out
a priori. This is not to say that newborn babies
actually know already which sex they are. They arguably don't.
The Language of Thought Hypothesis:
Sculptor1 wrote: ↑April 4th, 2024, 6:01 pmAnd whilst humans are possibly the mammal which has the blankest slate. We are NOT born with a tabula rasa, to be impressed with a pure choice for such things as gender..
Not only is gender part of the structure of new borns, but the potentiality of language is too, such that meaning structures of verb, object, subject are facilitated so that a child can learn any language; but not so structred to be restricted to only one.
Sculptor1 wrote: ↑April 4th, 2024, 6:01 pmIt is so obvious given what we know and understand about child development and primate studies that the basic langauage of gender is fully understood. If rhesus monkey babies are attracted to dolls and toy trucks as befots their gender than it should be no surprise that human babies come into the world gendered. And so it is.
Dress up boys in pink dresses and adults will try to get them to play with dolls; girls with blue outfits, they will try to encourage them to play with trucks. But the child knows better.
There obviously are mental-behavioral sex differences in addition to the physical ones. The question is how many of them are innate or hardwired.
Sculptor1 wrote: ↑April 4th, 2024, 6:01 pmErnest Hemingway's boys were brought up with no doubt about their maleness. They were given guns from the eariliest possible age, taken out on the boat for fishing, gutting fish and cooking them on the campfire. Yet the thrid child was never happy with this.
Little Gregory Hemingway was an athlete and crackshot. But despite all the male conditioning that he was impressed with, was never happy as a boy and would eventually chage his sex to female. Gregory Hemingway becaome GLORIA.
I find it puzzling what it is that you find so difficult to accept?
Irrespective of whether it's innate or not, I have no difficulty at all with accepting transsexuality as a mental phenomenon!