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By popeye1945
I have heard it argued that the Jewish population in Palestine are not settler colonial squatters for their lineage in this place goes back thousands of years. That might be true, but by that logic, the North American continent should be given back in its entirety to the native peoples of North America. The trouble began when European Jewry was given sanctuary in Palestine after the holocaust and Palestine at that time was a British protectorate, perhaps a better or more accurate title, a colony. It has been argued by many that the Palestinians in being routed from their homeland are paying for the guilt complex of the Western world for leaving the Jews to suffer the holocaust. As you might know, they were rejected sanctuary by just about every country in the Western world, this is true. I think we have to look at Western culture, for it seems presently that Western culture with its historic tradition of colonialism is fully engaged in genocide in Gaza a war of inhalation. its pretenses of standing on the moral high ground when criticizing other countries on human rights violations while historically and in the present the worst offenders of human dignity. Do the Jews deserve a homeland of their own where they can feel secure in their proclamation of NEVER AGAIN, certainly, but not at the price of the creation of another holocaust with the Palestinians paying the price. FIRST AND FOREMOST, THERE HAS TO BE, A STOP TO THE GENOCIDE!!
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By Sy Borg
Here is Popeye again, with another partisan, anti-philosophical rant, revising history and seemingly desperate to destroy western freedoms and see us under the yoke of dictators like Xi and Putin.

STOP THE GENOCIDE ... in Sudan, Syria, Iraq, CAE, Myanmar ... oh, that's right. You don't care AT ALL about them. Those conflicts are not trendy enough for you. You don't get enough virtue signalling brownie point for, say, supporting the Sudanese being wiped out by Muslims, while you win maxmum humanitarian kudos from witless drones by championing the ever-so-faultless-and-innocent Palestinians.

Hamas started with war with the intention of blocking an upcoming arrangement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Well, Hamas were 100% successful, and now they must deal with their pyrrhic victory
By popeye1945
Sy Borg wrote: March 18th, 2024, 12:42 am Here is Popeye again, with another partisan, anti-philosophical rant, revising history and seemingly desperate to destroy western freedoms and see us under the yoke of dictators like Xi and Putin.

STOP THE GENOCIDE ... in Sudan, Syria, Iraq, CAE, Myanmar ... oh, that's right. You don't care AT ALL about them. Those conflicts are not trendy enough for you. You don't get enough virtue signalling brownie point for, say, supporting the Sudanese being wiped out by Muslims, while you win maxmum humanitarian kudos from witless drones by championing the ever-so-faultless-and-innocent Palestinians.

Hamas started with war with the intention of blocking an upcoming arrangement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Well, Hamas were 100% successful, and now they must deal with their pyrrhic victory
A personal attack is hardly doing good philosophy. Are you an expert on the numerous historical examples of genocide around the world? Start a thread on it, we don't have a lot of scholars of your caliber here, this should do wonders for the quality of this site, I am all ears, ENLIGHTEN!
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By Sy Borg
I already listed the current ones. If you can use Google, you can find out plenty about prior genocides.

I'm curious, why do you want to live in a BRICS totalitarian society? Do you find the choices of western living too tiresome and seek the guidance and certainty of a Big Brother?
By popeye1945
Sy Borg wrote: March 18th, 2024, 6:07 am I already listed the current ones. If you can use Google, you can find out plenty about prior genocides.

I'm curious, why do you want to live in a BRICS totalitarian society? Do you find the choices of western living too tiresome and seek the guidance and certainty of a Big Brother?
You are a prime example of American exceptionalism which is a call to relinquish one's humanity. The West has for a least two hundred years ridden on the backs of the peoples of the Eastern Hemisphere, this is what this is about, the end of colonialism by any means necessary. You can call them demons if you will, you and your like have done far worse in enslaving and exploiting much of the world in the past and the present. Notice how Africa is throwing its European masters out on the asses and starting to use their resources for the benefit of their peoples much to the disappointment of American and European corporations. They would go in with covet violence or overt violence to put their N---ERS back in line but Russia and China stand in their way. America has a choice of attempted world domination or becoming a cooperative member of a global community, let us hope she is not irrational enough to wish to be a dictator over the ashes of the world.
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By Sy Borg
popeye1945 wrote: March 18th, 2024, 12:31 pm
Sy Borg wrote: March 18th, 2024, 6:07 am I already listed the current ones. If you can use Google, you can find out plenty about prior genocides.

I'm curious, why do you want to live in a BRICS totalitarian society? Do you find the choices of western living too tiresome and seek the guidance and certainty of a Big Brother?
You are a prime example of American exceptionalism which is a call to relinquish one's humanity. The West has for a least two hundred years ridden on the backs of the peoples of the Eastern Hemisphere, this is what this is about, the end of colonialism by any means necessary. You can call them demons if you will, you and your like have done far worse in enslaving and exploiting much of the world in the past and the present. Notice how Africa is throwing its European masters out on the asses and starting to use their resources for the benefit of their peoples much to the disappointment of American and European corporations. They would go in with covet violence or overt violence to put their N---ERS back in line but Russia and China stand in their way. America has a choice of attempted world domination or becoming a cooperative member of a global community, let us hope she is not irrational enough to wish to be a dictator over the ashes of the world.
Perhaps we should, like BRICS members and their satellite state send Putin a message of congratulations on his 90% electoral victory over the opposition leader he had killed? Seems like the kind of leader we want to take charge of the world.

Africa will find that being bled dry by Asia is even more harsh than being bled dry by Europeans (aside from the Belgians).

BTW, your racism is showing. Again.
By popeye1945
Sy Borg wrote: March 19th, 2024, 12:24 pm
popeye1945 wrote: March 18th, 2024, 12:31 pm
Sy Borg wrote: March 18th, 2024, 6:07 am I already listed the current ones. If you can use Google, you can find out plenty about prior genocides.

I'm curious, why do you want to live in a BRICS totalitarian society? Do you find the choices of western living too tiresome and seek the guidance and certainty of a Big Brother?
You are a prime example of American exceptionalism which is a call to relinquish one's humanity. The West has for a least two hundred years ridden on the backs of the peoples of the Eastern Hemisphere, this is what this is about, the end of colonialism by any means necessary. You can call them demons if you will, you and your like have done far worse in enslaving and exploiting much of the world in the past and the present. Notice how Africa is throwing its European masters out on the asses and starting to use their resources for the benefit of their peoples much to the disappointment of American and European corporations. They would go in with covet violence or overt violence to put their N---ERS back in line but Russia and China stand in their way. America has a choice of attempted world domination or becoming a cooperative member of a global community, let us hope she is not irrational enough to wish to be a dictator over the ashes of the world.
Perhaps we should, like BRICS members and their satellite state send Putin a message of congratulations on his 90% electoral victory over the opposition leader he had killed? Seems like the kind of leader we want to take charge of the world.
Africa will find that being bled dry by Asia is even more harsh than being bled dry by Europeans (aside from the Belgians).
BTW, your racism is showing. Again.

You have a propensity for personal attacks, how about just sticking with the topic? As to Putin's win yes yes I'll send congrats!! Do you ever seek a source other than the corporate media? Think about talking about people as people and not the demons painted by the elite of your country. This is a preparation for making war, try to recognize it. Your **** country is self-destructing anyway, it's broken, too many wars, and too many millions killed. The BRICS at present are ten nations strong, with forty nations waiting to join, those in waiting don't have any love for America or NATO at all.
The American apple pie has maggots in it! You're on the wrong side of history. Just think about it for a moment, do you ever hear the voice of the international community a one-way dialogue is not a dialogue. If America invades Russia, China has stated clearly that it would declare war on America and NATO. Hopefully, the elite in your country are not crazy enough to wish to govern over the ashes of the earth.
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By Sy Borg
popeye1945 wrote: March 20th, 2024, 5:43 pm
Sy Borg wrote: March 19th, 2024, 12:24 pm
popeye1945 wrote: March 18th, 2024, 12:31 pm
Sy Borg wrote: March 18th, 2024, 6:07 am I already listed the current ones. If you can use Google, you can find out plenty about prior genocides.

I'm curious, why do you want to live in a BRICS totalitarian society? Do you find the choices of western living too tiresome and seek the guidance and certainty of a Big Brother?
You are a prime example of American exceptionalism which is a call to relinquish one's humanity. The West has for a least two hundred years ridden on the backs of the peoples of the Eastern Hemisphere, this is what this is about, the end of colonialism by any means necessary. You can call them demons if you will, you and your like have done far worse in enslaving and exploiting much of the world in the past and the present. Notice how Africa is throwing its European masters out on the asses and starting to use their resources for the benefit of their peoples much to the disappointment of American and European corporations. They would go in with covet violence or overt violence to put their N---ERS back in line but Russia and China stand in their way. America has a choice of attempted world domination or becoming a cooperative member of a global community, let us hope she is not irrational enough to wish to be a dictator over the ashes of the world.
Perhaps we should, like BRICS members and their satellite state send Putin a message of congratulations on his 90% electoral victory over the opposition leader he had killed? Seems like the kind of leader we want to take charge of the world.
Africa will find that being bled dry by Asia is even more harsh than being bled dry by Europeans (aside from the Belgians).
BTW, your racism is showing. Again.

You have a propensity for personal attacks, how about just sticking with the topic? As to Putin's win yes yes I'll send congrats!! Do you ever seek a source other than the corporate media? Think about talking about people as people and not the demons painted by the elite of your country. This is a preparation for making war, try to recognize it. Your **** country is self-destructing anyway, it's broken, too many wars, and too many millions killed. The BRICS at present are ten nations strong, with forty nations waiting to join, those in waiting don't have any love for America or NATO at all.
The American apple pie has maggots in it! You're on the wrong side of history. Just think about it for a moment, do you ever hear the voice of the international community a one-way dialogue is not a dialogue. If America invades Russia, China has stated clearly that it would declare war on America and NATO. Hopefully, the elite in your country are not crazy enough to wish to govern over the ashes of the earth.
You are the one making personal attacks. You are so blinded by hate that you can't see that I am not American and not pro-US. You display a zero sum "if you're not with me, you're against me" attitude. Seeing BRICS for what they are - a band of thugs and criminals - does not mean condoning the US, with their invasions, and the CIA's meddling and underhanded bastardry.

I have many sources outside of mainstream media because I seek information from all sides, whereas you clearly only read the propaganda of your totalitarian idols. Your wrong claims about me - my nationality, my loyalties, my reading material - are so plentiful, don't you think you should avoid making rash assumptions about me and focus on the discussion?

BTW, a number of nations seeking to join BRICS are well on the way to becoming failed states, and no doubt their association with BRICS will hasten their fall into civil war. Why do you think the Chinese - noting that no group has been more contemptuous of black people (and the Russians not far behind) - are so interested in Africa? To do the locals a favour? Do you think that Palestine, Venezuela and Iran are desirable business partners? And why do BRICS think that Argentina wants to join? They are not friends with China.

Again, the idea of the US trying to invade Russia is as insane as the idea that China will invade the US. Russia, US and China are all completely impossible to invade. Not even all the world ganging up together could mount an effective invasion of those nations - unless your beloved Vlad decides to let off some nukes.

Given the obsession with Palestine by the mainstream media, it's nice to notice other parts of the world. I am still yet you find anyone explaining why they are so red hot about Palestine and so indifferent to Sudan. If you want to see who is influenced by mainstream media, look at who follows its trends. To a significant subset of the intelligentsia, it's fashionable to be Marxist, resisting The Oppressor (the US, UK, whites and Jews) and supporting Palestine and BRICS.

It's rather an own goal. When dictators take control, academics are amongst the first to go against the wall.
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By Lagayascienza
value wrote: March 16th, 2024, 11:57 pmThe argument that I attempted to make is that in theory (for which you would need to read Lévinas his work Totality and Infinity).
Gertie wrote: March 17th, 2024, 6:40 pmI'd rather chew my own toes off ;) . Seriously, this sort of philosophy writing actually offends my brain. I don't know why, some people obviously get something out of it I don't. But I'd be going ''What do you actually mean???'' every other sentence till I chuck it out the window, then it hits the next door neighbour, sparking a cycle of violent vengeance for generations to come! All in all, best not.
I've started Levinas. I don't know how far I'll get with it. It's torture to read. Worse than Husserl! Wittgenstein said "What can be said at all can be said clearly", but these Continentals seem to think that it is not the content, the ideas, and the clarity with which they are expressed that are important. On the contrary, they seem to think that convoluted impenetrability can stand in for profundity. They use pages and pages of turgid wordsmithing to say next to nothing. I'll spend an hour on a ten page section out of which I might be able to extract one idea that could have been cogently expressed in one sentence.
Favorite Philosopher: Hume Nietzsche Location: Antipodes
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By Lagayascienza
And when I read exegesis on continental philosophy, I expect explanations and clarification. However, I'm often struck by how similar in style the exegesis is to the philosophy itself. It's as if the writer of the exegesis is determined to give their readers as hard a time as the continental philosopher in question gave the person writing the exegesis. It doesn't need to be this way. Good philosophy doesn't need to be difficult to understand.
Favorite Philosopher: Hume Nietzsche Location: Antipodes
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By Mo_reese
It looks to me like Biden is going to push Bibi under the bus at least verbally until after the election. All of a sudden the US allows the UN to vote for a ceasefire and the corp (state) media puts Bibi on the spot for the first time since genocide began.

However, in the mean time The House just passed a bill that cements genocide as official US policy. The legislation gives Israel $3.8 billion in weapons, sanctions UNRWA as Palestinians starve, and defunds a UN investigation into Israel's violations of international law.
Biden will probably blame Bibi for the genocide that we have been complicit in and most likely actually participating.
Signature Addition: "Ad hominem attacks will destroy a good forum."
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By Sy Borg
It is not a genocide. Most of the deaths have been Hamas militants due to surgical strikes. While not perfect, the vast majority of deaths have been terrorists.

South Sudan is at risk of genocide, Palestine is just undergoing a disaster of Hamas's design.
By Gertie
Mo_reese wrote: March 27th, 2024, 11:48 am It looks to me like Biden is going to push Bibi under the bus at least verbally until after the election. All of a sudden the US allows the UN to vote for a ceasefire and the corp (state) media puts Bibi on the spot for the first time since genocide began.

However, in the mean time The House just passed a bill that cements genocide as official US policy. The legislation gives Israel $3.8 billion in weapons, sanctions UNRWA as Palestinians starve, and defunds a UN investigation into Israel's violations of international law.
Biden will probably blame Bibi for the genocide that we have been complicit in and most likely actually participating.
Paying lip service to peace at last, while passing Netanyahu the gun.

I saw a good speech by AOC, at least people in power are beginning to speak up in America. And I finally got an email reply from my Labour MP today regarding the disgusting debacle in Parliament when it voted on calling for a temporary ceasefire. At least he gets it, but most MPs just go along with the party political games. While Israel carries on indiscriminately bombing and starving ordinary people.
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By Mo_reese
Sy Borg wrote: March 27th, 2024, 3:49 pm It is not a genocide. Most of the deaths have been Hamas militants due to surgical strikes. While not perfect, the vast majority of deaths have been terrorists.

South Sudan is at risk of genocide, Palestine is just undergoing a disaster of Hamas's design.
What Israel is doing in Gaza meets 6 out of 7 of the US government criteria of genocide.

But no matter how you define it, Israel has committed hundreds of cases of every kind of crime against humanity. Killing journalists, doctors, nurses, first responders and children. Driving tanks over rubble to kill those trapped beneath and running over live people with tanks. Using snipers to shoot children. These victims aren't accidental collateral damage when the IDF brag about deliberately killing them. Israel officials have said that all Palestinians in Gaza are Hamas, even the babies. This is their justification to exterminate them all. Even if that were true that they were Hamas, it still doesn't justify the crimes against humanity.

We can expect the death toll to climb now that the IDF has herded the Palestinians into area from which they can not escape and then cutting off their water and food supplies in order to starve them all to death.

Is there a number of deaths that you would think too much?
Signature Addition: "Ad hominem attacks will destroy a good forum."
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By Sy Borg
Mo_reese wrote: March 27th, 2024, 8:01 pm
Sy Borg wrote: March 27th, 2024, 3:49 pm It is not a genocide. Most of the deaths have been Hamas militants due to surgical strikes. While not perfect, the vast majority of deaths have been terrorists.

South Sudan is at risk of genocide, Palestine is just undergoing a disaster of Hamas's design.
What Israel is doing in Gaza meets 6 out of 7 of the US government criteria of genocide.

But no matter how you define it, Israel has committed hundreds of cases of every kind of crime against humanity. Killing journalists, doctors, nurses, first responders and children. Driving tanks over rubble to kill those trapped beneath and running over live people with tanks. Using snipers to shoot children. These victims aren't accidental collateral damage when the IDF brag about deliberately killing them. Israel officials have said that all Palestinians in Gaza are Hamas, even the babies. This is their justification to exterminate them all. Even if that were true that they were Hamas, it still doesn't justify the crimes against humanity.

We can expect the death toll to climb now that the IDF has herded the Palestinians into area from which they can not escape and then cutting off their water and food supplies in order to starve them all to death.

Is there a number of deaths that you would think too much?
Why don't you and other care about Sudan, which is worse?

Are you saying that Arab people will disappear due to Israel?
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