After a forty year Druidic apprenticeship, I have arrived at a simple resolution which explains something fundamental. The mind itself has no memory! The problem is in explaining what that means. We all have occasional issues connecting to memories, usually there is something that I call the signifier, which connects to a group of memories and we have an ‘ah’ moment.
Metaphorically we could think of the mind as something that can form the ‘shape’ of memories, indeed that the mind is like one hand then the brain is the other. When clasped together the two compose the consciousness. So what we need when trying to remember something is an object of mind [said ‘shape’], and when this fits with the brains informational interpretation of that, the brain and mind can then connect the rest up to form the picture of what we are attempting to remember.
As the connections have already been made, such to form the memory or set of memories in the first place, usually we only need to remember one facet of the equation to yield the rest.
When the mind is separated completely from the brain such as with death, its has no way to connect up again and returns to its formative natural state ~ probably completely empty and ‘shapeless’, possibly stateless. Equally so the mind found a way to become manifest in the first place, such that one was born. So the said empty nature of the mind has this ‘ability’, which at root I think must be fundamental to the natural state of mind, and that’s how all things become manifest from an apparent nothingness. Given this function the mind will naturally always take form and become part of a world. Ergo unless you are e.g. a Buddhist and wish to remain unmanifest or as an empty mind, then you will connect to the given world/realm of ‘existence’, probably one such world that is most conducive to who you are and what you have become. ‘like attracts like’, is I think fundamental here and in many areas of existence.
Spiritually; the Egyptian book of the dead spends a lot of time describing several rituals, all of which involve reuniting someone [the sahu/soul] with their facets of existence. These include an opening of the mouth ceremony – such to reconnect the mind with its capacity for speech, the opening of the eys so it can see, then the nose and all the senses are reconnected. Collectively all these acts gather the facets of mind back together to reform the self, which yields its new body the sahu/soul. Upon which one can then enter the other-world [the eternal version of the world], which I think would be automatic.
Like a named wind we will be back.