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Jan Sand wrote: ↑May 5th, 2018, 5:21 amIt is hard to determine when and how a critical upsurge in mass awareness of an immense change in world opinion may arise ...True! Consider how quickly the neocon movement swept through. I personally think that one individual, Rupert Murdoch, was most instrumental in bringing this about, although if he did not exist the fossil fuel industry probably would have had to invent him.
Jan Sand wrote: ↑May 5th, 2018, 11:46 pmAdmittedly I am not very brightDon't talk rubbish, Jan. It's unbecoming for one as bright as you.
Jan Sand wrote:Musk and even Hawking seem to believe that transferring a seed of humanity to Mars is worthwhile to maintain life in this solar system but that strikes me as super optimistic nonsense as humanity has not reached the stage of rationality to make a success of that. We simply do not have the supporting infrastructure to carry it off although it might be managed if the primitive vicious drives that seem basic in humanity can somehow be suppressed. At the moment, that appears very unlikely.At the moment, certainly. However, the rate of change at present is rapid. I think that Musk and co anticipate that once AI reaches the point where it can build better AI than humans can, the rate of technological progress will be increase, possibly exponentially so.
Jan Sand wrote:In one way or another humanity has evolved from a herd culture to a few variations of a slave culture where a few dominant, mostly males, have domesticated the great mass of the species to benefit them and keep them under control so that the bulk of the wealth is retained by, what we now call, the elites. These elites have evolved various lies or scams to control the great mass of their culture and profess to be wiser and stronger or somehow connected to an imaginary supernatural powerful being and the mass of humanity is convinced from early childhood to swallow this nonsense and accept the role of domesticated cattle to the point where they even willingly die for these corrupt criminals in some weird joy of fulfilling a crazy destiny. In an almost humorous way many of these idiotic elites even come to believe these outright fantasies themselves and a very few who understand the scam and nevertheless are bright enough to fall in with the whole business because it permits a life of luxury and freedom. If any of the general population understands this scam and tries to let his or her fellows in on the tricks being played to control them the elites either corrupt him or her to join them or quickly dispose of whoever might attack the system as being lazy or criminal. These days, the disposal is the business of the police or the CIA or other government agencies in order to preserve the system.It seems so, more or less. As I said earlier, good things can come from apparent ill.
Jan Sand wrote:Chomsky makes it clear in his lectures that the general mass of the public can always get rid of their masters by simply refusing to comply with the restrictions that keep them more or less controlledTrump followers would agree with you. They think that they are "draining the swamp" by installing its largest alligator. It is remarkable what people can be prompted to believe with the right propaganda and conditioning.
Jan Sand wrote:If the controllers of society really cared for the general population and saw to it they were fed and housed and properly educated and cared for medically the system might function sensibly but this rarely happens.I think that if people were race horses then the form is there - most of the wealthy never have much cared. They often do care somewhat but I find people generally don't much care about others because they are so busy keeping their own lives together. Rather, both rich and poor people tend to care most about themselves and their own, although spheres of concern obviously vary from person to person, and that includes in elite circles.
Jan Sand wrote:This is what is happening today but the major difference today is that not one small sector of the Earth is involved, but the entire planet is being so thoroughly destroyed so that there is nowhere that will survive to permit the long redevelopment to take place necessary for a recovery.Yet again. A biosphere that does not change becomes stagnant, and then change will be inevitable.
Jan Sand wrote:Beyond that, there is not the slightest indication that any intelligence remains within the powerful to grasp the total catastrophe rapidly approaching so their destructions of the planet is, if anything, speeding up to enhance the total obliteration.There is not one serious observer who predicts total obliteration. What they expect are many disasters and problems for most people and animals.
Jan Sand wrote: ↑May 7th, 2018, 10:28 pmThe reality of communication with these invaders is minimized because it is rarely admitted that humans have not solved communication with our close relatives here such as chimps or dolphins or even friendly dogs, cats and butterflies.Yes, a huge issue. On the plus side, I do not see insectoid, reptilian or amoeba-like beings as like to foster the nous and cooperation to build a grass hut let alone a space program. Any technologically advanced species will either be effectively eusocial, with specialised functions, or a hive mind. Given the increasing pervasiveness of the digital world, our societal structures may eventually develop into a hive mind as the next step.
Jan Sand wrote:My own attempt at conversation with a praying mantis proved totally futile even though she watched me closely and turned her head as I approached.Most of the animals alive now are amongst the most instinctively fearful of humans - hence their current existence. Daily benign interaction is needed over a period to earn their trust - which doesn't mean that you can necessarily trust them :) Often things that we take for granted can make a big difference to small animals. I reduced the aggression of the ant nest next to my house by simply being careful not to step on them on the front stairs and leaving tidbits in their trail (reduces need to span out into my house). I realised that if there is not periodic carnage meted out on the nest then the animals are less agitated. A community of any species, including humans, would not respond wildly differently.
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