Belindi wrote: ↑February 21st, 2024, 8:59 amOne difference is that Jews ostracise and diminish those who practice Jewry differently, while Muslims fight and kill those who practice different types of Islam. It is strange. The so-called "religion of peace" is, by far, the most warlike and violent religion. I'm no expert but Sufism appears to be the most peaceful branch of Islam, and also one of the most marginalised.Sy Borg wrote: ↑February 20th, 2024, 7:29 pmJews vary in their ways of being Jews. Some sorts of Jews more than others are influenced by Enlightenment values and less affected by family traditions of practice and Biblical historicity or lack of it. Muslims too vary as to whether they identity as Sunni, Shia, Whabbi, Salafi, Berelvi, Sufi and Deobandi. It seems the general difference between Islam and Judaism is the former includes profession of faith in the Muhammad myth, whereas the latter is praxis with no foundation myth,Gertie wrote: ↑February 20th, 2024, 3:03 pmThansk for being the first person to acknowledge the disproportionate focus on Israel while ignoring the genocides in Iraq, Syria, Sudan and the Central African Republic. The fact is that we don't care about genocides about people far from us - otherwise the forum would have been ablaze with commentary on the genocides happening in Iraq, Syria, Sudan and the Central African Republic - not to mention the destruction of Uyghur culture and genocide of Tibetans.Sy Borg wrote: ↑February 19th, 2024, 7:37 pm This has nothing to do with Nazi Germany - except for the anti-Semitism. Did Jews send missiles onto the German people and kidnap and rape their civilians? When one's family was almost a victim of an attempted actual genocide, one has a different perspective.I understand your point about excessive focus, it's a fair one. And I'm sure there is a mix of reasons behind it, some rooted in anti-semitism. But the Israeli government's actions right now is the issue at hand. Because no matter the historical context, they are deliberately committing genocide. Right now. Not legitimate self-defence, but cruel, deliberate and indiscriminate ethnic cleansing. And MY country, on MY behalf, theoretically accountable to ME, is aiding and abetting genocide. And I can say I don't want any part of it, even attempt to sway them by doing so. It's a no-brainer to me.
The Israelis are trying to prevent genocide - their own. Jews were already cleansed from surrounding nations, their communities were destroyed and Jews were forced to scatter around the world. Look at the numbers of Jews in ME nations - then and now. No one has talked about that or Arabs' attempts to finish what the Nazis started. Meanwhile no Arab nation is prepared to take Palestinian refugees, nor are they interested in funding the UNRWA. As for Palestinians, their leadership publicly endorsed the Chinese genocide of Uyghurs.
Never mind who the Houthi slaughtered in gaining power to do Iran's bidding in Yemen. That's doesn't matter because Jews aren't doing it, it seems. Never mind what's happening in South Sudan or Syria. Only Jewish crimes must be prevented and punished.
Hardly anyone talks about Yemen, yet the scale of its humanitarian disaster dwarfs Palestine. Why aren't the west angry at Iran about what they have done to Yemen? (and they are backing Hezbollah and Hamas - both of them have also caused much hardship for their own people).
I hear China is stockpiling weapons. If they invade Taiwan, I guarantee there will be a less passionate response on the forum than to Israel's heavy-handed response to their own version of 9/11.
Again, even if no one is listening, it's not about Israel's crimes but the excessive focus, bordering on hateful obsession, on those while a blind eye is turned to equivalent and worse crimes.
If I had family in Israel or Palestine I'm sure that would sway my feelings and allegiances, I get that too. Israel is a scary place to live at the best of times, living under constant threat is no way to live, for either side, potentially exacerbated by the current apartheid. Still many Jews across the world still argue that this isn't right, or good for Israel as well as Palestine.
The best that we on the outside can do is use our influence to call for a ceasefire and try to get negotiations for a solution going, and hopefully Palestinian supporting nations put similar pressure on Hamas. Every sensible, self-interested surrounding nation wants to avoid escalation and the fall-out of the de-population of Gaza, and that's the way to do it. It's a hard, grinding, dis-heartening and frustrating approach, but compared to genocide it's incomparably better.
As for Yemen, the Saudis have been bombing them for years with weapons MY country sells them (because they have bags of money we want), contributing to devastating destruction and famine there. Something constituents in my area have previously had our MP raise in UK Parliament to no avail. We plebs can only try to influence what we can, maybe give a bit of aid and a voice to the victims. And when a terrible and horrific injustice like genocide hits the spotlight, the focus can mobilise us out our apathy, in the face of helplessness at the state of the world. Especially if we're complicit.
I don't blame any of you for not caring about these. There is far too much going on in the world - endless suffering of a scale far beyond our ken.
I see no reason to prioritise the longstanding issues with Israel and Palestine, just because the media pushes it. We have already seen the high levels of anti-Semitism that has been fostered in academic circles due to a ridiculous Marxist parsing of all parties as evil oppressors and the noble oppressed, and this bias has pushed public discourse.
Meanwhile, the UN has been captured by China and petrodollars - appointing an Iran representative t be in charge of human rights - with the US's much-maligned right of veto the only thing presenting an almost complete capitulation to hostile foreign interests. We already know of many UN employees who celebrated the Hamas attacks and at least a dozen of them played an active role. I see the inordinate focus on Israel, while nothing is said about other issues, as anti-Semitic, although often the prejudice is indirect - that people are being influenced by the excellent propagaanda campaign of anti-Semites without realising it.
I don't care who's paying the bills for these wars. Whether the US and UK pay or not, anti-western apologists will still find a way to blame the west and Jews, so it makes no difference. I see no reason why western and Jewish misdeeds are something that must be urgently changed, while misdeeds by others - much worse, too - are ignored.
The US hegemony is dying and there will soon be various power centres around the world. It's akin to a society who deposes a dictator and falls into chaos and violent feudalism. I no longer automatically side with victims in the political sphere. Every time victims are freed from modern despots, things seem to decline. The Arab Spring was a disaster. South Africa's freedom from apartheid (I had been red hot for years against apartheid) has resulted in a worse standard of living for most South Africans. The deposition of Gaddaffi and Saddam were disastrous Libyans and Iraqis. The nations soon fell into sectarian violence - with hatred so intense that it turns out that only a brutal dictator could curb it.
Trouble is, dictators (like the US bossed the world over the past six decades) can't retain stability. They fall into hubris, as the US has done. History tells us that such falls tend to be followed by chaos, as competing interests jostle for control in the power vacuum. So, the US's time as (somewhat) undisputed world leader is just about done.
If the US falls far enough, Jews will lose their protection and they will once again be scattered. It's not as though, like the Palestinians, they could simply move into neighbouring countries with a similar culture. Ah, but none of Palestine's neighbours want their refugees, although they pretend to decline for noble reasons.
I wonder if Sy Borg and others hold that if a people, at popular level , generally identify with a reasonable post-Enlightenment religion that people would be a lot less likely than other religionists of whatever sect to be aggressive.
(As usual religious mystics seem to be extraordinarily peaceful regardless of sect.)
It seems to me that people who don't identify with religions (or ideologies) are the safest, and those who most intensely identify with religion and ideologies are the most dangerous.