Dr Jonathan Osterman PhD wrote: ↑December 15th, 2023, 9:25 am
If space, or Einstein's spacetime, were made of no physical substance at all, then they simply would not exist at all, because to exist is to be made of something. Agreed?
If "something" is made of "nothing", then this "something" is "nothing" (does not exist). Period.
And, if space was made of some physical substance, then, in principle, we should be able to experimentally detect the physical existence of such substance, either directly or indirectly. Agreed?
So, what is space made of ??
You can google my:"Physical Reality Has Only Euclidean Space And Universal Time.
Authors: Chan Rasjid Kah Chew"
Fundamentally, the question of what is space is outside the purview of physics theory; it is more a metaphysical question. You use words as "exist", "something", "nothing", "physical substance". So your type of questioning may lead you to question : "If electron, protons are physical, then are the electric, magnetic fields also physical". Physics never question what is physical reality. We only use experiments which detects what could be detected with our instruments. Our scale may measure mass, but it does not say much about the absolute, only that the scale balance has a use to weigh objects.
I will stay on topic of Newton's "Principia", no 4D spacetime.
Newton's Principia does make some statements about the property of space, but the space of Newton was no different from what philosophers before him talk about space - the three dimension expanse of the universe which man can sense and geometry would use three cartesian axes to map space; but the rectangular axes is created only to map space, but does not touch on "what is space"
Newton did not develop any physics theory about space itsef. He only developed the "mathematical principles of natural philosophies", i.e. the laws of motion of bodies in space and time. Space and time in Newton's physics are only the framework of the physical world in which the laws of physics would manifests.
Chan Rasjid Kah Chew