- January 31st, 2024, 6:04 pm
Pride may lead to poor ethical choices, but so do sloth, envy, greed, anger, lust and gluttony.
Each of the capital vices has its uses. However, like a power drill, if they are used badly, they can cause considerable damage.
Let's look at the positives:
Pride, as you say brings confidence, and it can be a motivator..
Envy can provide inspiration, motivation and direction.
Sloth can provide much-needed rest and it can temper disruptive chaotic over-activity.
Greed can be a motivator to achieve.
Anger can drive us to action.
Lust keeps us from going extinct.
Gluttony is a natural response to the fact that, in the past, food was hard to come by so, when food was available, one would eat until one couldn't because they never knew when the next meal was coming.
On the negative side:
Pride leads us to refuse to see reason, mess things up that are beyond our capabilities, and also leads to selfish behaviour. (The refusal to see reason points to Pondering's comment about ideologies digging in out of pride, leading to war. When reason is abandoned, the alternative is violence).
Envy can lead to violence, theft and pointless misery.
Sloth can lead to waste of life's potentials.
Greed can lead to violence, theft and exploitation.
Anger can lead to violence, cruelty and self-destructive behaviour.
Lust can lead to violence, cruelty, self-destructive behaviour and misery.
Gluttony can lead to waste and poor health.