Philosophy Discussion Forums | A Humans-Only Philosophy Club

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Discuss the November 2022 Philosophy Book of the Month, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.

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By Okoth Omondi
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: October 5th, 2023, 6:49 pm For 99.9%+ of people and 99.9%+ of goals, even very very bad luck won't stop you, and success is a choice.

Show me someone who says that for them luck is a factor, and I'll show you someone who's either defining their goals irrationally or dishonestly, or (more likely) someone who isn't giving 100% and is not actually choosing success.

Luck is a factor for those who claim to have a goal but only go at it half-hearted and half-assed. Luck is a factor for them, indeed, but that's because they are not really choosing success.

Imagine getting cheated on by your spouse, and then the spouse says, "Oh, I had a goal to not cheat on you, and I worked really hard at it, but, you know, bad luck struck."

Of course, they won't say that. When someone isn't taking full self-responsibility for all of their choices, they start defining their goals in irrational or dishonest ways to make it seem like they "tried" and failed. But there is no try. To try is to lie. Success is a choice, but those who don't choose it will often lie, including lying about what their real goal is, including lying themself with denial and self-delusion.

Even if you have a wild goal like becoming a millionaire, success is still a choice, 99.99%+ of the time.

It's as infinitely easy (just a matter of choice) as it is for a spouse to not cheat or an alcoholic to stop drinking.

Of all these things, failure-choosers will say it's luck not just choice. They are wrong, and almost certainly lying to themselves too.

Success is a choice, but most don't choose it.

And those who don't choose success struggle to fully accept the truth of the phrase "success is a choice". It can be met with anger, denial, or other cognitive dissonance.

Addicts find comfort in pretending to be out of control and in blaming imaginary phantoms for their torture rather than admit they are really their own torturer, and rather than admit they are in 100% full control of their own happiness.

All humans are on the addiction spectrum.

What about you? Are you pretending to be out of control, pretending to have goals that are not really goals but just try-ridden wishes about so-called luck? Or are you honestly looking at all the infinite things you can do and all the things you can have, and then, from that huge wonderful menu, choosing what you want with infinite ease?

As long as you are honest with yourself and others, you will look at the right menu. As long as you look at the right menu, you will know that success is a choice.

Choose it and you'll be successful. Don't and you won't.

What you want you can have. But you do have to really want it, and you do have to really choose it.

Certainly. "Success is a choice" underscores the idea that individuals have agency in shaping their own destinies. It implies that, despite external circumstances, people can make decisions that propel them toward success. This perspective encourages a proactive mindset where individuals take responsibility for their choices, set clear goals, and work diligently to achieve them. While external factors like luck or opportunities can play a role, the philosophy suggests that personal decisions and actions are fundamental in determining one's level of success. It promotes the notion that a positive and determined approach can significantly impact the outcomes in various aspects of life.
By Sbitan Mohammad
Success is truly a choice. If one wants to succeed, perseverance and determination would keep them going even at times when things do not seem easy and feasible.
By Thomas Odhiambo 1
In essence, success is often a complex interplay between personal determination and the environment. Striking a balance between recognizing the agency to make choices and understanding the external factors at play can provide a more nuanced perspective on the pursuit of success.
By Mary Clarkee
success often involves a combination of personal choices and external factors. While making intentional choices is crucial, acknowledging and navigating external influences is also essential for a well-rounded understanding of success.
By Ajain12
The idea that success is a choice implies that individuals wield the ability to make decisions and take actions pivotal to their success. Although personal choices hold significant sway, external factors, opportunities, and circumstances concurrently shape one's journey to success. The dynamic interplay between personal choices and external elements highlights the complexity inherent in achieving success, emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding of the contributing factors.
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By Chitra Ayengar
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: October 5th, 2023, 6:49 pm For 99.9%+ of people and 99.9%+ of goals, even very very bad luck won't stop you, and success is a choice.

Show me someone who says that for them luck is a factor, and I'll show you someone who's either defining their goals irrationally or dishonestly, or (more likely) someone who isn't giving 100% and is not actually choosing success.

Luck is a factor for those who claim to have a goal but only go at it half-hearted and half-assed. Luck is a factor for them, indeed, but that's because they are not really choosing success.

Imagine getting cheated on by your spouse, and then the spouse says, "Oh, I had a goal to not cheat on you, and I worked really hard at it, but, you know, bad luck struck."

Of course, they won't say that. When someone isn't taking full self-responsibility for all of their choices, they start defining their goals in irrational or dishonest ways to make it seem like they "tried" and failed. But there is no try. To try is to lie. Success is a choice, but those who don't choose it will often lie, including lying about what their real goal is, including lying themself with denial and self-delusion.

Even if you have a wild goal like becoming a millionaire, success is still a choice, 99.99%+ of the time.

It's as infinitely easy (just a matter of choice) as it is for a spouse to not cheat or an alcoholic to stop drinking.

Of all these things, failure-choosers will say it's luck not just choice. They are wrong, and almost certainly lying to themselves too.

Success is a choice, but most don't choose it.

And those who don't choose success struggle to fully accept the truth of the phrase "success is a choice". It can be met with anger, denial, or other cognitive dissonance.

Addicts find comfort in pretending to be out of control and in blaming imaginary phantoms for their torture rather than admit they are really their own torturer, and rather than admit they are in 100% full control of their own happiness.

All humans are on the addiction spectrum.

What about you? Are you pretending to be out of control, pretending to have goals that are not really goals but just try-ridden wishes about so-called luck? Or are you honestly looking at all the infinite things you can do and all the things you can have, and then, from that huge wonderful menu, choosing what you want with infinite ease?

As long as you are honest with yourself and others, you will look at the right menu. As long as you look at the right menu, you will know that success is a choice.

Choose it and you'll be successful. Don't and you won't.

What you want you can have. But you do have to really want it, and you do have to really choose it.

It is 100% true that if we want to be successful and put our wholehearted effort we will definitely succeed no matter what. There will surely be hurdles in our path but we need to stay focused on the end goal and not be dettered by failures. These failures will eventually turn around if we pursue our goals relentlessly.
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By Chitra Ayengar
Florence Daniel wrote: February 6th, 2024, 10:26 am I agree with, Success is a choice, many will want to be successful but are not willing to pay the price of hard work. Some give up once the fail. When you truly want to be successful you will be willing to endure any pain and failure that comes from your way.
True, failure is the stepping stone to success.
By Alissa Nesson
I think this is true some of the time but not always. It’s a good thing to hold yourself accountable, but it isn’t always going to be enough. Mental and physical health are not made-up constructs. Past trauma doesn’t amount to nothing. Some of us are sick. Some of us didn’t have the same head-start that others did. Some people spend their lives merely doing everything they can to come to terms with past trauma or to experience less physical pain or sickness. Some people aren’t very bright or as talented as they need to be for certain things. Hard-work is the key to success, but it isn’t the only thing you need.
By Rëâl Dūdé
Success stems from willingly and actively and intentionally engaging in activities that push one through to the palace of success. I don't believe in luck. Success entails achieving a particular goal. Luck can't take you to a goal that you set by yourself, only you can take you there, so success is a choice.
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Current Philosophy Book of the Month

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2023 Philosophy Books of the Month

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Predictably Irrational

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Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope

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2022 Philosophy Books of the Month

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Emotional Intelligence At Work
by Richard M Contino & Penelope J Holt
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Free Will, Do You Have It?

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by Albertus Kral
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My Enemy in Vietnam

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The Maestro Monologue

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Living in Color

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by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
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April 2021

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by Jeff Meyer
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Surviving the Business of Healthcare: Knowledge is Power

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The Preppers Medical Handbook

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