- January 22nd, 2024, 8:46 pm
Incident 1 The bible states that god is love and he is all knowing etc. In a nutshell, at least according to the bible, the evil that exists today comes down a challenge by Satan that he could lead all mankind away from serving god. When god asks Satan did he tempt Adam & Eve, not only does Satan readily admit to it but he goes on to challenge god in regard to the rest of mankind.
So god, the alpha and the omega, with nothing to prove to anyone and least of all to himself, the one who knows the end before the beginning, accepts this challenge and gives Satan the opportunity to do as he wants…..and it’s because of nothing more than a dare. I’ve been told god’s integrity was challenged…. so what? If the god of the bible is who it states god to be, that he is complete then should he not be beyond being challenged or goaded into some futile test that is just going to cause harm and suffering, especially when he would already know the result?
But no he gives Satan free reign to cause all the misery in the world until god says enough. Until then he is sitting back watching the suffering and doing nothing. He can fix everything, with one snap of his fingers but at this stage at least, he is choosing not to.
Is this believable? Put it into a real-life situation….. say my brother come to stay with me and I discovered that during his stay, he got two of my children addicted to heroin and they overdosed and died. When I approach him and ask did he do this? He not only admits to it but he then challenges me stating that if I allow him to try, he could get all my children addicted to heroin (take note I have to allow this as did god, or it would not happen) would I say have it and we’ll see how they go? Or would I as a loving father remove him from my family and take steps to ensure that he never comes near them again?
Incident 2. God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son as proof of his love for god. You cannot test love and if I know that would not god? You can test weaknesses, lust, greed, etc but not love. Besides when the bible refers to the people in the who were sacrificing their children to the god Baal…. The bible states that sacrificing children was detestable to god and something that had never even entered into god’s thoughts….. and yet here he is telling Abraham to sacrifice his child.
Incident 3. Job. Job apparently was the most faithful good god loving guy around at that time. God says to Satan have you been checking out Job a man who loves me and is more righteous than anyone else? Satan says yeah well look how you bless him, he is rich he has many children, livestock etc, take that all away and Job will curse you….. So what does god do? Well you would think that the challenge in the garden of Eden was enough but no…. the devil is once again able to goad god into doing what I believe is an evil act….
He tells the devil that he can take everything that Job has just don’t touch him and the devil sees that all Job’s children die, he loses all his material possessions but Job holds fast in his integrity toward god. Are we done? No…. not yet. When god says to the devil see he still loves me…. the devil says okay, okay, he is willing to lose what he has in possessions but if you touch the man himself then he will curse you. So god allows the devil to inflict Job with boils and disease, in fact he tells the devil to do what you want to him but don’t take his life.
And when Job’s wife says to Job you must have done something bad to deserve this all Job says is ‘I don’t know why god is doing (allowing) this to me?” And for this Job gets chastised by god, not commended for holding fast to his integrity but chastised for simply stating a fact…. He had no idea why god was doing this to him.
God basically says who are you to question me? Were you there when I created everything etc? In other words how can you understand my actions?
When I discuss these three incidents with Christians they tell me that I’m missing the big picture, that we humans can’t possibly understand god’s purpose. Okay, but then if this is true, then god has no right to judge us. If these three incidents above were attributed to a human ruler, history would not be kind to that ruler.
There is a creative force, energy, but as to exactly what it is, or whether or not there is any purpose to why the physical universe came to be no one knows and anyone who tells that they do know, well they are probably trying to sell you religion and its gods.