- February 24th, 2023, 9:03 am
So I'm sure people will have varying opinions and care little for what others think, but when I saw the "18+" rating on Prime TV's "Carnival Row," and it had been renewed, I thought I'd give it a watch. At first I was impressed at the quality of the CGI, and the winged fairies looked pretty. I dont think I had even reached the second episode when a sex scene started between Orlando Bloom and a girl acting a winged fairy. So while I was thinking "hey, when I see an 18+ rating, does this mean I might see a sex scene between Santa Claus and Rudolph now?" and while I was pondering that, the angle changed to show the winged fairy's bare breasts and her wings changing color as she had an orgasm.
This really was over the top to me. I would try asking for new 'cross-species sex' and 'abuse of innocent childhood icons' warnings, but I guess Hollywood will now do anything at all to increase its viewership and doesn't care at all about people who have fond memories of Tinkerbell from childhood. Thankfully there is still some respect for childhood innocence in Asia so now I just watch Asian dramas. They get bloody sometimes, but at least I don't need to worry about seeing a kpop girl having sex with a teddy bear.
Well thats it for me this month. Have a nice day.