"Yoga is not about being superhuman; it is about realizing that being human is super."
Sadhguru’s poignant remark opens a gateway to a deeper contemplation on the nature of human existence and the burgeoning discourse on the possibility of attaining superhuman capabilities. In the modern era, the fascination with transcending human limitations has garnered momentum, with science and technology standing as the vanguards of this aspiration.
Evidence has emerged, shedding light on individuals exhibiting ‘superhuman’ abilities. For instance, certain genetic mutations have been found to grant extraordinary capabilities, such as enhanced vision or speed, making a strong case for the existence of superhuman traits amongst us(1). Moreover, anatomical anomalies like an additional finger with its own set of muscles, nerves, and tendons have been observed, hinting at the potential for superhuman physical attributes(2).
The realm of genetic engineering also paves the way for the conceivable emergence of superhuman beings. Discussions around selectively breeding or engineering individuals with superior abilities have become part of the modern narrative(3). Besides the genetic facet, the power of the mind has been explored as a conduit to achieving almost superhuman control over one's body and emotions through practices like mindfulness(4).
On the flip side, Sadhguru's teachings in Inner Engineering beckon us to embrace our inherent human essence, positing that the pursuit of being human in its truest sense is itself a super endeavor. This dichotomy presents a fertile ground for philosophical exploration.
Amidst the escalating pursuits of superhuman feats, how does the Yogic perspective, as articulated by Sadhguru, place the essence of being human? Does the chase for superhuman capabilities eclipse the profoundness of our human experience?
1. https://www.medicaldaily.com/10-genetic ... ity-416262
2. https://www.scientificamerican.com/arti ... comparable
3. https://www.sciencefocus.com/future-tec ... superhuman
4. https://www.in-mind.org/blog/post/becom ... -your-mind
– William James