boywonderlordIt is not wordplay. It is understanding art. Art is not an object, it is a disposition, an interpretative stance. All things are not art, but they become art when one sees them as art. It is the "seeing as" that allows for all things to be art possibilities. This, however, invites the question, what is it that is in the interpretative act of seeing something as art that makes something art? This is complicated, that is, since art has become so inclusive, it requires a "text" to know what the art claim is about. All art is implicitly conceptual art, to some degree.
Yeah sure, language is created by us, so nothing inherently exists. You can define everything in existence as art, and you can define one thing as art. I can create an urban dictionary describing each aspect of salt in the sea with the word cat written twenty hundred times in different fonts. I could just write the word poop twenty times and have that amount to the same thing as this paragraph. It is a pointless play on words, and to a degree, everything is as meaningless as the play on words you have just discovered. Congratulations, welcome to philosophy, it is wordplay, and everything is wordplay. Its just one somewhat complicated world that we have created. Limited,but as long as you ignore its contradictions, quite the spectacle. You are not ignoring its contradictions. That, however, does not make you special. It is quite easy to find these contradictions. What is cool, however, is toying with them and creating wonderful fallacies and loopholes and strange toys that make no sense but create music of life, of words, it is the creation of ideas! So sure, art isn't real. But it is! So wake up to the flowers, its time to play with those christmas presents.
And incidentally, we don't create language, language creates us. Think about it.