A few observations that occur to me. I'm sure there are many other observations that could be added to this terrible story.
The Zionist organisations known as "Irgun" and "Haganah" carried out terrorist attacks in the period leading up to the Partition of Palestine. Indeed, it is arguable that the Partition was done to appease these Zionist terrorists. There is little difference between what the Zionists did then, and what Hamas have recently done. Attacks on innocent people for nationalist/political reasons. [If missiles had been available then, it is reasonable to assume that the Zionists would've used them too, as well as bombs.]
Hamas attacked Israelis, not Jews. This conflict is not a religious one, but a simple nationalist struggle.
Hamas did not "start" the current conflict. Their attack took place in the historical, political, and geographical
context of the Middle East. It was a
response. Without
context, there is no sense to be found. [There is little enough sense in this conflict to begin with.]
Although many recent victims happen to be Jews, they were attacked because they are Israelis. So, just because some of the victims are Jews, this does not lead to the conclusion that their enemies must be Nazis. The Nazis targetted Jews because of their religion; modern Palestinians target those they see as invaders: Israelis.
The conflation — Jew = Israeli; Israeli = Jew — has two equally abhorrent consequences. First, Israel can use the Holocaust to deflect criticism of their actions. Second, religious bigots use this as an excuse to attack Jews across the world. I oppose both.
This conflict is down to Jews (who became Israelis after the formation of modern Israel) and Palestinians; their backers (USA, and maybe Iran); and the original global Imperial powers — USA (rising) and Britain (fading), who dragged the UN along with them — who brought about Partition.
Most borders in the area of the Middle East affected by this conflict were drawn by external European Imperial powers. It is perhaps these borders, drawn without the knowledge or co-operation of the people who lived there, that have given rise to the current conflict?
The leaders of the West all align with Israel and the USA. But there is a strong ground-swell of opinion among ordinary decent people that the Palestinian people also deserve sympathy and support. Far from all ordinary people support or sympathise with Palestine, but there is a clear disconnection between the electorates and their elected governments, at the moment.
N.B. Terrorist attacks by any faction, for any reason, are vile and unacceptable atrocities. I do not support or condone any of them. I think none of us do.