...I was practically gleaming more than the diamond now. Boy, would my man be smiling tonight, giving him some pleasure is the least I could do after he got me my first solitaire!From "The Bigger The Better" in Artwords by Beatriz M. Robles
This quote opens a window into the philosophical debate on materialism in human relationships. The poem illustrates a woman's joy at receiving a diamond, which she sees as a symbol of love and commitment. But her contemplation of reciprocating pleasure in exchange for this gift also introduces the idea of material possessions as transactional elements in relationships. This viewpoint resonates with Marxist philosophy, where materialism is seen as a driving force in societal interactions, potentially reducing personal relationships to economic transactions. Psychologically, the allure of material objects like diamonds often reflects a deeper human desire for security, status, and affirmation, as shaped by both innate human traits and societal conditioning. The narrator's thought process in the poem reflects this complexity, intertwining emotional connections with material expectations.
Does the narrator's reaction to receiving a diamond ring, and her subsequent thoughts of reciprocating pleasure, suggest that material gifts in relationships are more transactional than symbolic of love? How does this portrayal of materialism challenge or reinforce our understanding of the role of material possessions in modern love and relationships?
– William James