Gee wrote: ↑November 19th, 2023, 1:17 am
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑November 18th, 2023, 11:07 am
Gee wrote: ↑November 17th, 2023, 11:09 pm
Do you know what the difference is between spirituality and non-religious spirituality?
I think that's one of the core questions this topic poses, isn't it? What *is* spirituality?
Yes. This reminds me of a problem that I ran into many years ago. My grandchildren were staying with me, and my granddaughter came home from school with a class assignment. She was about nine years old and wrote a story about a small animal that lived in the woods by a waterfall, but now she was supposed to draw a picture about her story. She could not seem to draw a waterfall, so she asked for my help.
I said, "Sure." How hard could it be? What I drew looked like the ugliest shower curtain anyone could ever imagine. So her older brother, about 10 years old, was a pretty good artist and I asked him if he could draw it. He agreed and it took him about two minutes to draw a little hill with a waterfall that emptied into a little pool. Then he gave it back to her, and she put in the animals and plants.
Have you ever tried to draw water? Paint, yes; you can paint it, but you can't draw it. Later that night, I looked at the picture to learn where I had made my mistakes. After studying the picture, I realized that he did not draw the water, he drew the parameters of the water, or what contained it. Afterward, I realized that if I want to draw a glass of water, I always make it a glass, see through, and then add a line to show how full the glass is.
When the question is, What is spirituality?, we do the same thing. We answer with everything that is associated with it, its parameters and everything that surrounds the idea, but not spirituality itself.
That is a nice story, Gee. I'm happy that your granddaughter got her waterfall. As you story shows, creating good art is as much about what is left out as what is included.
And I think what you say about spirituality is true.
I, too, wonder why people "answer with everything that [they think] is associated with it... and everything that [they think] surrounds the idea, but not spirituality itself"?
And I wonder why we don’t seem to have epistemic access to the “spiritual” the way we have epistemic access to everything else? We have epistemic access to earth, fire, water and air, even though we cannot see the latter. I have epistemic access to my dog greeting me at the door. But what is spirit? What does it consist of? Where is spirit? Does it occupy space?
When asked these sorts of questions, people will say things like: "No, don’t be silly! Spirit is not like other stuff. It’s not experienced in the same way." But when I ask: Well, what
is it like? and
How can it be experienced? I can never get any sense out of them. When I express dismay, they might say something like: You can’t experience spirit like you experience matter or speed or space or time. You have to plug into it with prayer, meditation, or maybe with a medium." My experience of mediums tells me they are all charlatans and prayer doesn’t do anything more than what I might expect from pure chance or what I'm able to make happen through my own efforts. So I can’t say I’ve come even close to experiencing spirit through prayer.
However, I think there is something to meditation. I don’t think by doing it that I plug into some sort of spirit realm. I just feel at one, and yet unconcerned, with whatever else might exist. I’ve had a couple of “peak” experiences where I’ve felt utter loss of “self” There’s nothing there, no spirit stuff floating around. There’s just a loss of self and disembodied peace. And perhaps astonishment and wonder. There’s no
La Gaya Scienza/
Die fröhliche Wissenschaft -, he’s not there. So, I wonder, what/who is experiencing the peace, astonishment and wonder?
It's all a great mystery. Maybe like art, it's what is left out that is important. But I don't think it has anything to do with plugging into some ideal spiritual realm that exists in some dimension separate from us. Brains are incredibly complex things and so t's probably just a different state of consciousness that can be cultivated. But I'm happy it's available.