A highly intelligent approach there!
The question appears to be: is there truthfulness involved in such mental experiences and how could that potentially be proven?
Same way as how hopefully one day will be able to detect qualia, or more, the means by which real physical energy patterns correlate with mental qualia to draw what we see. A dream or vision are very much versions of mental qualia ~ or mental qualia, dreams, visions are versions of mind. Perhaps when mind is expressed or impressed upon, it forms mental qualia. Maybe energy like light do the same with ‘qualities’ of say colours.
I would think then, that qualities are a likeness with qualia!
I am wondering if mind/life is more like a matrix that an instrument like part of the brain. We need to understand the brains matrix [with AI], as opposed say, looking for the instrument of self, which wont exist.
Did you read about the experiences of Monica Gagliano? She described similar experiences with plant spirits, and published about it as a scientist, and she has a special interest in philosophy. Her latest book is called "Thus Spoke the Plant: A Remarkable Journey of Groundbreaking Scientific Discoveries and Personal Encounters with Plants" (in line with Nietzsche's Thus, spoke Zarathustra)
Her experiences are not with other human-like spirits, but with plants.
No I don’t do so much reading now, as its a bit of a strain for my eyes. Well plants and creatures originate in the same biology, and so life and mind will be in them. Given that is, as I think, that there are no breaks in the line; if we go [the line], human, dog, mouse, crab, insect, where do we stop? There is something in the matrixes of DNA, which once activated in living form, become ‘aliveness’. That is, there is ‘mind’ and that’s a fundament of reality or at least a primary nature of reality. Then the matrix of DNA attracts and makes utility of mind, the ultimate expression [so far] of which is human intelligence.
[btw 'druid' means oak-seer]
Interesting! Do you have an idea how that can be explained? What is the primary difference between the material world and that spiritual realm? What would explain that a whole 'spirit' can come out of it, and perhaps develop itself within that realm?
i would like to find ways to make explanation in a purer way - without the religion and spirit.
- There is one thing at the base of all things. It can be mind or entity or form [lets say body/physics]. The material world attracts or utilises the mind with respect to itself [which is the difference]. Yet itself is a corroboration between mind and brain and so there is a third party. Our ability to take the subjective perspective, and to think in abstracts, means we can use the functions of the intellect ad hoc. Hence we can use the brain and mind to dream.
how can there be multiple 'other worlds' in your opinion? Can you name one difference between any of those other worlds?
Can we imagine an eighth colour?
Well, the Egyptians thought the Sahu [soul] was a body of the otherworld. So we could imagine this to be like energy but totally a different entity. I visualise it as like mind is the pivot or axis, and the material form is a projection on one side, then the Sahu form is a projection on the opposite side. Because the other side is not material, then it [the sahu and its other world] is not subject to the laws of the material, but can however communicate via the qualia/quality matrix relationship occurring.
Isn't one, one to much, when what is referenced is the source of any one?
This is the critical thing, calling the fundament of reality a oneness is immediately wrong, and yet there is no absolute degree of distinction. I use it to portray a particular relativistic stance let us say. So it is a oneness when you look at it that way, but separate when looked at in another way – with distinctions. This is why perhaps ‘amorphous’ is the truest sentiment, but we could also say that reality is perspective based! Ergo we are just looking at the same thing in different ways. Its all [the ultimate truth] in a rainbow.