- November 2nd, 2023, 8:42 am
There's also the common assertion that logos is an aspect of nous.
Which comes first intellect or reason? The Stoics made logos an aspect of each of psyche, nous, and monad but this is problematic because the monad only makes sense if it's wholly attributeless... never the less this was the most popular philosophy for 300 years either side of Jesus so they just took this and applied it to their construction.
Even people like Plotinus make nous the demiurge along with Pythagoras' dyad...
It is also the pneuma, which is translated as Spirit...
Thus we can understand this isn't supernatural, it is a way of understanding reality.
This really represents the mind aligned with the one, which is the point of philosophy...
It is precisely what the original post is requesting, but today there is no wisdom among so called philosophers.
This forum is an example of that, but everything about academic philosophy is wrong.
When the Christians took over all intelligence was stamped out, now we think people like Kant, Decartes, and Hume are the highest pillars.
They aren't even related, they have no idea what philosophy was intended to be.
The Catholic Church killed those who spoke the truth, so everything became superficial and stupid.