- June 20th, 2010, 11:41 pm
Hi Belinda,
I think so, yes. Of course part of the question here is what 'naturally' means, but I tend to think it means, "On the basis of features of the organism and its environment."
However, it is certainly clear that the parameters of selection have changed dramatically worldwide. In the early ages, it is likely that a human's ability to give birth without medical support, give breast milk, run, hide, hunt, forage, steal, rape, and murder probably had a much more positive influence on the likelihood of reproduction than they do today. In contrast, the memory, oratory, and mathematics skills that generally lead to the most material success in developed countries probably had much less positive impact on the likelihood of reproduction than they do today.
So to the second leg of your question: We still are selected, although not as often in the 'survival' sense, and more in the reproductive sense. Many people still do not have children, and often times this correlates to particular traits--thus those traits are selected against.
"I have nothing new to teach the world" -Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi