Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑October 20th, 2023, 8:35 amCulture is the parent; philosophy is the 'child'.
Pattern-chaser wrote:Philosophy is a hobby practised by a small minority of humans. It does not have the position or influence that you ascribe to it, IMO. And I am not clear even on whether philosophy *should* have the position and influence you ascribe to it.
Lagayscienza wrote: ↑October 20th, 2023, 9:05 am That's true. Philosophy as a pursuit for those who have an armchair and lots of quiet time. ... Philosophical questions would be the last things on their minds.
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑October 20th, 2023, 10:27 amYes, and in the context of what I said before, the people of Gaza have no time for philosophy, just at the moment...I disagree profoundly on this matter. People in Gaza are certainly not acting at random for no purpose or meaning. It is philosophy that drives them to perform in certain ways, be it a choice for revenge or a choice for what lays beyond.
In a sense, all is philosophy. Business IS philosophy. To tie your shoes correctly, IS philosophy. Science IS philosophy. All that is a priori to reason and order in the world IS philosophy. And that means that philosophy, not the human endeavour per se, but what it involves intrinsically, is a direct exponent of the source of the Universe.
Jewish philosopher Levinas who wrote a major work on the philosophy of peace (Totality and Infinity) and who was part of the peace movement, wrote the following about the source of the Universe:
"in renouncing intentionality as a guiding thread toward the eidos [formal structure] of the psyche … our analysis will follow sensibility in its pre-natural signification to the maternal, where, in proximity [to what is not itself], signification signifies before it gets bent into perseverance in being in the midst of a Nature. (OBBE: 68, emph. added) "
That signification, which is 'moral valuing' (the eternal question 'what is good?'), that is the essence of philosophy. Philosophy therefore should be seen rather as the source of the world than as a product of it. Hence my argument that philosophy should be held responsible.