Gee wrote: ↑September 22nd, 2023, 7:37 pm Until you can separate the words "belief" and "religion", you are not going to understand a single thing that I stated. I do not want to argue the age-old science v religion crap as I think it is stupid. The point of my post was about logic. Logic changes when more information is added; philosophy tends to add time to it's considerations, which allows it to learn wisdom, changing the logic.The problem here is not about releigion verses belief.
It is your failure to understand what is the difference between logic and evidence. Logic does not change. Evidence can change, and more information can change conlcusions but it does not change logic. The entire thread is undemined by the title. The problem is not with Logic, but people's failure to select appropriate evidence and to select evidence that serves their personal prejudices.
Let's try the same idea with a different subject. Say that a little boy lives on a farm in the country and likes to play outside. His mother informs him that the road in front of his house is very dangerous and he should stay away from it. He listens to his mother and watches the road carefully. Although he plays outside every day and watches the road every day, he has never noted any cause to be afraid of it. He has even seen squirrels cross the road without danger, and begins to doubt his mother's words. His whole life, he has studied this road and now knows that there is no real danger.Yes, thanks for the homily. But this example is not about a failure of logic. I'm not sure what you can do with this, but it does not address any psrt of the OP.
Is the boy wrong? I think that his logic is more pure than his mothers, so I doubt that he is wrong or that the road is dangerous to him. So does that make the mother wrong? I don't think so. She knows that surprising and unexpected things can happen, and even if they don't, he will grow up and one day drive on that road, so she feels a healthy respect for the dangers is a good thing. She has added the information gained through experience and she has also considered time, which changed her logic into wisdom.