In other words, it contained repeated violations of our site linking policies and anti-spam rules.
Nonetheless, let me say this:
Those who want to know why I do things can ask me.
Those who want to make suggestions to me can do so to me.
The digital equivalent of saying it to my face is sending it to me via PM or email. So do that.
If you want to ask me question, or otherwise have something to say to me, then do so. I'm easy to contact. No aimless public mere wondering needed. There's no need for "I wonder why..."
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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