JackDaydream wrote: ↑August 5th, 2023, 2:29 am
Gertie wrote: ↑August 4th, 2023, 2:56 pm
If you're not a Biblical literalist about what Jesus and his followers actually did and believed themselves, then you're creating your own religion. And unsurprisingly it will be a good fit for you. What you choose to consider metaphorical and your interpretation of those metaphors will chime with your own intuitions and biases. Many of these will be common to most people, psychologically, culturally, adjusted to contemporary knowledge. The actual religion ends up being shoe-horned into contemporary preferences, which is how it survives.
What you describe may be more of movement towards spirituality as opposed to religion in its organised form and formulas. This may be becoming more common in the present time. However, it may have always been a tension and even at the time of Jesus there was a whole tradition of wandering Jews, who may have been like folk philosophers. Even when Jesus suggested the building of the 'Church', it doesn't mean necessarily in the form of organised and institutions which developed.
However, the understanding of the symbolic as opposed to literal interpretation of the Bible, alongside cultural pluralism does allow for people to develop their own set of ideas. This is expressed in the concept of bricolage, which is like a collage of ideas. It is possible to draw upon the Bible, ideas within comparative religion and ones from secular thinking to create a personal structure of guidance. This is conveyed in Sam Harris's emphasis on 'spirituality without religion'. Some may see it as dangerous because it is outside of organisational structures of religion, which may have been why the Gnostics themselves were viewed and outlawed as heretics.
Although I think Gertie is right in one way, I see the criticism of Jesus towards the pious of his day as applicable to the pious of any time since. Alan Watts was hated for the fact that he pointed out the trappings of any organised religion and piety, and in England, the satirical books of Adrian Plass ridiculed the behaviour of Christians to another degree of mockery, despite himself being a Christian. The satanists also tended to satirise the mystical Latin invocations and ridicule them and thank their movement the dogmatic and bumptious behaviour of clerics.
There is also something that I have mentioned several times, that when you are preaching or teaching, you are often amazed at what people have chosen to see as the core of that lesson. People tend to stick with known creeds simply because if they spoke freely about what they believe, we would find that everyone has their own version of Christianity (or whatever faith they adhere to). Faith is personal because everyone makes their own associations, are attracted by specific words or aspects of the faith, understand terms used in their own way, and it is all motivated by their own concept of what is appropriate, based on their representation of themselves. I could fully appreciate what one woman said about prayer, “Really, when we enter into personal prayer, we should approach God naked, and in the same way do away with all our pretences, all of our prejudices, and everything we think we are.”
We have numerous examples of sects growing outside of the Church, even though they retained a connection, because they sought a different approach. The Desert Fathers are my favourite example, but there were probably more, some which we know about and others whose memory was erased. When Jesus did speak about building His church, it is important to note that the concept of the church in this context refers to the community of believers rather than a physical building or denomination. The interpretation of Jesus' statement "on this rock, I will build my church" has been a topic of debate among scholars and theologians, whether based on the play on words between Peter's name (which means "rock" in Greek), or that the rock refers to Peter's confession that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Some argue that Jesus Himself is the rock referred to in His statement. According to this interpretation, Jesus is the foundation and cornerstone of the church, and the statement emphasizes his central role in building and sustaining the church. A non-dual interpretation of Jesus' statement "on this rock, I will build my church" may suggest that the rock refers to the ultimate reality or the divine essence that underlies all of creation, and represents the unchanging, eternal nature of reality that transcends all dualities and distinctions. Jesus is emphasizing that the church he is building is not limited to any particular form or structure but is rooted in the timeless truth of non-duality.
I believe that Jesus is pointing to the unity of all things in the divine essence, which is the foundation of the church. The church is not a separate entity, but rather an expression of the oneness that underlies all of creation and Jesus is saying that the church he is building is not an external institution, but rather a community of individuals who have realized their true nature as one with the divine, emphasizing that the church he is building is not based on any particular belief system or doctrine, but rather on the direct experience of the divine essence.
This could also encompass Sam Harris's emphasis on 'spirituality without religion.' John-Roger is a spiritual teacher who has written extensively on the topic of spirituality and the divine essence. His book "Divine Essence" explores the concept of the divine presence in everyday life and offers practical advice for cultivating a deeper connection with the divine. Dr Mark Spencer is a philosopher who has spoken on the topic of divine simplicity and the essence/energies distinction. He believes that the direct experience of the divine essence is possible and compatible with traditional Christian theology. Michael Rea is a philosopher who has written on the topic of mystical experiences of God. He argues that experiences of God's presence and communication from God can be widely available and that the ability to experience God can be improved through spiritual practices and disciplines.
But there are today a host of Christians who have a similar perspective. Richard Rohr and Cynthia Bourgeault are two contemporary and popular writers, as well as Bruno Barnhart, Bourgeault’s mentor. There are also a variety of Hindu influenced Christians like the nun Sara Grant, the anonymous Cistercian monk who writes under the name “a Monk of the West,” Bede Griffiths as well as such folk as the medieval mystic Meister Eckhart and the moderns Thomas Keating and Martha Reeves, who write as “Maggie Ross.” This would support my first comment, that Christianity is very diverse.
These speakers do come from different spiritual traditions and may have different perspectives on the nature of the divine essence and how to cultivate a direct experience of it. However, they all share a common emphasis on the importance of connecting with the divine essence and experiencing it directly in one's life.