value wrote: ↑June 27th, 2023, 5:14 am
Pattern-chaser is a super-user with the ability to approve posts and he is an active participant on the forum that is concerned with people on the forum. His decision to not approve posts may be indicative. I also decided to not approve posts and leave that to the official moderators, since I do not view myself as a moderator that should perform such a task, despite my willingness to be helpful for other users.
In the same time, while I currently have an advantage from the ability to edit posts and other moderation capabilities, for the quality of the discussions it might be better when my account would be as restricted as any other user. The in-ability to edit posts seems to have a certain effect on the quality of the discussions.
I am just a premium member, like you and quite a few others. I discovered almost by accident that I could approve or disapprove those posts queued for it. As I am not a moderator, and anxious not to misuse the privileges I apparently have, I have only approved or disapproved a very few posts, where I could be confident that I was being helpful in doing so. I hope that this is of assistance to the moderators of this forum.
I am a Premium Member of the forum, as many of us are now. As far as I know, I have no privileges that others do not. I have no special knowledge with which to answer your other queries. For that, I think you need a response from
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes, or from a moderator.
value wrote: ↑June 27th, 2023, 5:14 am
As it appears, forum moderation for new posts is causing a queue that lasts for weeks for some posts. Some of the posts that have been queued for almost 10 days are from prominent long term users such as Leontiskos (2021, 691 posts).
Such an experience might result in users leaving the forum.
This topic concerns the moderation of our forum. As far as I know, our moderators are just users of the forum, who have agreed to perform the role of moderator. I'm sure they are unpaid. And while it is possible that they are plied with sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll in return for their efforts, I strongly suspect that it is not so. They do it '
out of the goodness of their hearts', as the proverb goes.
I am not a moderator, to the benefit of all concerned. Balanced moderation has a strong social component, and my autistic sensibilities would not sit well with the role of moderator. The forum would empty in no time!
And none of us would want that.
But our moderators are more balanced than I am — although Sy Borg is an autist too — and they perform their role admirably, IMO. Yes, I sometimes wish that
this or
that be done, when it is not, but that will always be the case, won't it?
In the case of post approval taking a while, perhaps our moderators are just busy with other things, such as living their lives in the real world? I, for one, would not want to be the one to decide that a poster is madder than a bucket of frogs, and disapprove their posts. As you observe, there is a balance between moderation and keeping the forum open to all shades of opinion, and so forth. If moderation is too heavy, or too lax, then users will drift away, as you fear they might. I don't know the answer to this, but luckily for all, I don't have to. There are those more responsible than me whose role it is to decide and balance these issues.