LuckyR wrote: ↑May 26th, 2023, 3:10 amOkay, great. Yes - good enough!Leontiskos wrote: ↑May 20th, 2023, 4:17 pm Our larger conversation is about whether one can punish (or deter) someone who is innocent. You are apparently claiming that one is able to harm someone who has not acted unjustly, and that this is some sort of exception to the principles I have been enunciating. For example, you said, "...I am justified (though not required) to use methods outside of the rules to meet my goals." When I look at <that post> I am at a loss as to why you are making a distinction between breaking and bending the rules, and how that distinction relates to what I have said. You seemed to claim that your principle of proportionality extends beyond the realm of retribution, because retribution is a response to injustice whereas proportionality may respond to acts which are not unjust (like the bending of the rules). So my most obvious response was to point out that bending the rules is unjust, and therefore proportionality and retribution are co-extensive.Just to be clear, in my office coworker/competitor example, since we are competitors, we are SUPPOSED to act in our own interest, which in a zero sum game, is against our competitor's interest. You use the word "harm" to describe his outcome at my hands, but that's the legitimate goal of the exercise when everyone is playing by the rules and competing cleanly. I described a particular situation where one competitor deviates from the spirit of "just" competition. You accurately described this as both against the spirit of the rules and unjust. I invoked proportionality to respond to him in similar fashion. We good?
The purpose of my last post was to show that your actions still adhere to the principles that I have been putting forward in this thread. Significantly punishing the person who breaks the rules and slightly punishing the person who bends the rules rely on the same principle, and both cases involve retribution, adversion to the past event, injustice, et al.
Socrates: He's like that, Hippias, not refined. He's garbage, he cares about nothing but the truth.