Although I am a peace-loving peace-promoter, I am incidentally not personally a full-blown pacifist in that I do support the use of defensive force as needed to stop those who are committing non-defensive violence (e.g. murderers, rapists, etc.). Nonetheless, as a peace-lover, I talk about pacifists a lot, namely in terms of speaking out often in firm opposition to any violence committed against pacifists both throughout history and still to this day in modern times throughout the world.
With that in mind, I recently made the quasi-mistake of commenting on a Facebook post of a funny meme on a comedic meme page, thereby getting myself into a brief debate of sorts with some random strangers about the use of violence against racists, in the comments section on Facebook.
While that is not something I nlike to make a habit of doing, one of the commenters did make a very interesting claim. I'll paraphrase a bit, but what she essentially said is this: "There is no such thing as a pacifist racist. A person cannot be both a pacifist and a racist. Racism is inherently violent."
Typically, I don't strictly agree that "racism is inherently violent", but that may be semantics.
To elaborate, likely, her and I simply define the word 'racist' a little differently, with my definition being more broad than hers, such that my definition includes more people than hers, and such that her definition of the word is much narrower. In other words, there are people that I think are racist that she would say are not racist because they are pacifists. So presumably I'm just more willing to consider a person as being a racist than she is. I can say about someone, "yes, that person is very peaceful; yes, that person is a full-blown pacifist; but that person is a racist." She could not say that, since she thinks that pacifists by definition cannot be racist.
In that way, this question might be merely a matter of semantics, meaning her and I presumably wouldn't disagree about the facts but merely just the labels. Nonetheless, I'd like to ask it: Can a racist be a pacifist? Can a pacifist be a racist?
What do you think? And why?
It's only loosely related but nonetheless here is the meme that triggered the discussion, which itself really does relate to my overall peace- loving philosophy of live and let live:
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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